Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Greg Gutfeld left Fox News viewers speechless with this disgusting reality

Despite the fact that the Democrat’s radical woke ideologies remain wildly unpopular, a Massachusetts city made it clear that they’d rather live in an echo chamber instead of reality.

Leftists cannot come to grips with the real world where their radical woke ideology continues to be rejected in elections and communities.

But they have not given up on trying to force their unpopular beliefs on everyone around them.

And Greg Gutfeld left Fox News viewers speechless with this disgusting reality.

Democrats double down on lost cause

Democrats have continued to face backlash through elections over their endorsement of wildly unpopular and radical Left philosophies, particularly related to their woke fantasies.

A recent poll by Gallup discovered that roughly 45 percent of registered Democrats want to see their party move toward the political center.

One of the easiest ways for the Democrat Party to do this would be to take notes from their sweeping 2024 electoral defeat and give up on their radical gender identity craziness.

Kamala Harris’ backing of taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for prisoners was one of the most covered instances of the Left choosing radical ideologies over the interests of the American public.

During his first few weeks in office, President Donald Trump signed numerous executive orders rejecting this gender identity insanity from the Left – reflecting what most Americans wanted.

His executive orders included the establishment that the government will recognize that there are only two legitimate genders – male and female.

President Trump also signed orders, which were backed by most Americans across the country, banning biological men from women’s sports, transgenders from serving in the military, and even putting an end to life-altering transgender surgeries for minors.

According to a New York Times/Ipsos poll, 79 percent of Americans wanted to see men barred from competing against females in women’s sports, with 71 percent demanding an end to transgender surgeries for young children.

But rather than following what the vast majority of Americans demanded on these issues, the Democrat Party has elected to double down on their unpopular, radical woke ideologies.

Worcester looks to become a transgender sanctuary city

The Democrats would rather back their gender weirdness than support what Americans actually desire to see.

A group of radical transgender activists made this clear when they pushed a resolution in Worcester, Massachusetts, to make the city a sanctuary city for transgenderism.

The resolution included false language claiming that President Trump intended to round up transgenders to ship them off to prison camps.

“No city resources… or city property, shall be utilized for detaining persons for solely seeking or providing gender-affirming care,” established the resolution.

The resolution also demanded that city officials and law enforcement officials must refuse compliance with President Trump’s executive orders related to men competing in women’s sports, and performing sex change operations on kids.

“No city resources [shall] be utilized for cooperating with or providing information to any individual or out-of-state agency or department regarding the provision of gender-affirming healthcare,” continued the insane resolution.

Greg Gutfeld slams Worcester trans-activists over radical gender insanity

On a recent airing of his Fox News show, Greg Gutfeld slammed the Worcester event which featured drag queens and transgender activists speaking out – many in wild, primal style – to install this resolution during a city hearing.

Gutfeld explained that those pushing this radical piece of garbage were merely interested in seeking attention since they are incapable of living normal, standard lives.

“They cannot live in obscurity like the rest of us,” Gutfeld explained to his audience. “They crave this chaos.”

“The idea that somebody is targeting them is what they get off of,” he added. “These people are not trans. They are trans activists. They are melodrama queens.”

Gutfeld also noted that the activists were clearly suffering from mental instability, arguing that giving them a platform was what they were hoping for.

He said that the best way to handle situations like this was to just ignore them outright.

“The prism that they operate their life in will never lead them to a good place because everything they think is wrong,” slammed the Fox News host.

“And you indulge them by looking at them as a bloc of people when in fact they’re very troubled. You feed their attention,” Gutfeld concluded.

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