Donald Trump and his administration are more popular with the American people than ever before.
But you wouldn’t know that if you get your news and information from any corporate-controlled media outlets – even Fox News.
And now a Fox News talking head instantly regretted hurling this baseless attack at Sean Duffy and the Trump administration.
Grasping at straws
Democrats, establishment RINOs, and their media allies are desperately searching for any narrative they can manipulate or outright fabricate to astroturf major opposition to President Donald Trump’s popular America First agenda.
As a result, they’ve largely latched on to the propaganda claim that any reduction in the federal government’s workforce would lead to the catastrophic collapse of the entire country and the human race at-large.
Never mind the fact that the more than 10 MILLION federal employees and contractors – who were elected by absolutely no one yet wield immense power and influence while raking in significantly higher salaries than the average working-class American – have largely caused, or at least exacerbated, virtually every problem our nation now faces.
And in attacking any and all attempts by the Trump administration to bring the over-bloated, out-of-control federal bureaucracy to heel on behalf of Americans, they’re just throwing any and all complaints they can against the wall in the hope something sticks.
Case in point, the corporate-controlled media has recently latched onto the hare-brained idea that airplanes have randomly started falling out of the sky since Trump took office.
Fox News’ Bill Hemmer joined the media’s attacks recently when he attempted to push the left-wing propaganda claim that recent layoffs within the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) caused recent airline accidents while interviewing Trump Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy.
“I also want to show you the incidents, the aviation disasters so far this year. You look at January 29, January 31, February 6, Feb. 10 and then Feb. 17, Delta regional jet flips, that was the one in Toronto,” Hemmer began.
“A question for you, Mr. Secretary. Some say this is not a time to cut employees given the safety factors that are concerned. What do you say to them?” he added.
In reality, though, Hemmer’s question wasn’t rooted in reality.
As Duffy explained matter of factly, those layoffs impacted less than 1% of the nearly 50,000 FAA employees – all of which were also “probationary workers,” who’d been on the job for less than one year, and were therefore not essential to the critical mission of aviation safety, hence their firings.
“Bill, there’s fat everywhere in government, and in DOT as well,” Duffy shot back. “But let’s be clear, at FAA, we cut 352 people out of 50 — I mean, sorry, 46,000 people. That’s 0.8% of the workforce. These were probationary workers. They were employed for less than a year at DOT. So these weren’t the old school, really ingrained employees of the DOT.”
Even left-wing “fact-checkers” admit the truth
Furthermore, Duffy also noted that in just the few weeks the Trump administration has been in office, they’ve actually hired more employees specifically for critical safety positions, like air traffic controllers, which were significantly impacted by the former Biden regime’s woke agenda.
“And not only that, we kept all the critical safety positions, and we actually hired more positions into critical safety, like air traffic controllers,” Duffy continued. “We hired more inspectors for things like pipelines and for aircraft. So, again, we have a safety mission.”
Interestingly, while seemingly glossing over and moving past any aviation incidents over the past four years, the media has hyped virtually every issue involving an airplane since January 29, when a military Blackhawk helicopter suspiciously collided with a commercial airliner, killing 67 people on-board – an incident no one seems to have a good explanation for to this day.
As a result, Democrats and their media allies’ explanation was that it was all simply Trump’s fault.
But former U.S. Air Force Colonel and current senior director of the University of South Florida’s Global and National Security Institute Jim Cardoso also dismissed the notion that Trump’s cuts to the federal workforce had any impact whatsoever on that incident or any others.
“All the processes to control and deconflict air traffic in the D.C. area have been well established for a long time,” Cardoso told Politifact recently. “The personnel involved in the accident — air crew from the two aircraft and the (air traffic controllers) in place at the time of the accident — would similarly not have been affected by [Trump’s policy changes].”
But the biggest problem with the narrative that the Trump administration’s layoffs are causing aircraft to fall out of the sky and run into one another is the fact that experts continue to point out absolutely nothing has actually changed.
As a matter of fact, even Politifact – one of Democrats’ top “fact-checkers” – recently admitted that there is no indication that the anti-Trump propaganda claim that there have suddenly been more frequent and deadly airplane crashes since Trump took office isn’t backed up by reality.
“The statistics indicate that the number of fatal general aviation accidents has been relatively flat the past few years, and actually the rate of fatal accidents has been declining a bit,” former NTSB air safety investigator and aviation safety consultant Jeff Guzzetti told the outlet.
Nevertheless, as has been their modus operandi for decades now, Democrats and their media allies aren’t going to allow facts to get in the way of their propaganda claims.