A brave sheriff laid it all on the line to reveal Joe Biden’s bloodcurdling ties to the murder of a mother of five

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Flickr

It’s exceedingly rare for any of the ruling class elite to be called out for their wrongdoing no matter how severe.

Many Americans see this as doubly true for Democrats, especially a Democrat President running for re-election.

But a brave sheriff laid it all on the line to reveal Joe Biden’s bloodcurdling ties to the murder of this mother of five.

Suspect in Rachel Morin murder finally taken into custody

On August 5, 2023, Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five, decided to go for a run through her Bel Air, Maryland community.

Like most Americans, Morin felt exceedingly safe in her community; after all, the suburb of Baltimore has been declared as one of the best places to live in the state, largely because – as NeighborhoodScout.com points out – the chance of being a victim of a violent crime is just 1-in-530.

But Morin never made it home from that run, causing her boyfriend to report her missing to authorities.

Law enforcement investigating the matter ultimately discovered her unclothed body discarded on the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail, and determined that she had been brutally raped and murdered.

Now, nearly a year later, police have finally arrested a suspect in the case, 23-year-old Victor Martinez-Hernandez, who just happens to be an illegal alien from El Salvador who has extensive gang ties and an apparently long, documented history as a violent criminal.

As Hartford County Sheriff Jeffey Gahler announced during a recent press conference, upon his arrest, Martinez-Hernandez was charged with first-degree murder and first-degree rape.

“Five hours after meeting with [Morin’s] family and just before midnight our time, police in Tulsa, Oklahoma assisted by our federal partners, located and arrested Rachel’s murderer: Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez,” Gahler said during the press conference.

The Sheriff went on to note that investigators believe “Rachel was not his first victim.”

Sheriff points fingers toward the Biden regime’s open borders agenda

Sheriff Gahler also didn’t dance around the root cause of such murders either.

He took direct aim at President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats’ open borders agenda, pointing out that the Biden regime let him free into the U.S. after murdering another woman in his home country.

“It is my understanding that this suspect, this monster, fled to the United States illegally after committing the brutal murder of a young woman in El Salvador a month earlier, in January of 2023,” Gahler revealed.

Gahler proceeded to highlight the fact that law enforcement was only able to identify Martinez-Hernandez because his DNA matched that which was found on the scene of another violent crime in Los Angeles in March 2023 involving a brutal attack on a nine-year-old girl and her mother.

“Once in our country, and likely emboldened by his anonymity, he brutally attacked a nine-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion in March of 2023 in Los Angeles,” Gahler reported.

“And as everyone I believe is aware, that was our first DNA match linking Rachel’s case to the one in Los Angeles,” he added.

The Sheriff also didn’t hold back in chastising the Biden regime’s open borders agenda for flooding the country with millions of illegal aliens and turning every state into a border state.

“We are 1800 miles from the southern border,” Gahler exclaimed. 

“And American citizens are not safe because of their failed immigration policies,” he continued.

Furthermore, Sheriff Gahler revealed that Morin is just the most recent innocent American woman to be brutally murdered by an illegal alien in the area.

“This is the second time in two years that an innocent Harford County woman has lost her life to a criminal in our country illegally,” Gahler explained, before noting that “in both cases, they are suspects from El Salvador with ties to criminal gangs.”

“This should not be happening,” the Sheriff added.

Of course, Democrats and their media allies have repeatedly blasted former President Donald Trump for pointing out that not all of the illegal aliens being flooded into the country are just trying to make a better life for themselves and be contributing members of American society.

The former President has repeatedly pointed out that criminals were also taking advantage of Democrats’ open borders crisis, but was labeled a “racist” for doing so.

Nevertheless, Gahler affirmed Trump’s points by exposing the fact that Martinez-Hernandez illegally immigrated to America specifically because he was a violent criminal looking to flee the consequences of his past crimes and find American victims.

“Victor Hernandez did not come to this country to make a better life for him or his family, he came here to escape the crimes he committed in El Salvador,” Gahler stated. “He came here to murder Rachel and God-willing, no one else.”

“But that should have never been allowed to happen,” he concluded.

As has been the case for years now, Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats’ open borders agenda has accomplished nothing but turning innocent Americans into victims of violent illegal aliens.