A CNN analyst left his network panel speechless over a glaring truth in these bombshell poll results

Photo by Ayush, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

In a recent appearance on CNN, polling analyst Harry Enten couldn’t refrain from admitting the truth about recent 2024 election polls conducted by The New York Times, CBS, Fox News, and The Wall Street Journal.

With former President Donald Trump leading each of the new polls by anywhere from two to four points nationally, Enten conceded that the results were “really, really, really bad” for President Joe Biden.

That’s largely because Democrats put all their 2024 Presidential election eggs in the “put Trump prison” basket, and as those polls – not to mention countless others before them – indicate that most working class Americans couldn’t care less about Democrats’ witch hunts against him.

“This to me sort of says it all – ‘Has Trump committed serious federal crimes?’” Enten said, referencing one of the polls’ questions. “A majority – a majority of likely voters say ‘yes, he did!’ Yet, he’s still ahead! How is that possible? Because look at 2024 Trump supporters. It turns out 18% of them say that Trump has actually committed serious federal crimes. And yet they’re still voting for him! When it’s numbers like this, I just wonder, what the heck are you gonna do if you’re Joe Biden?” 

“It’s stunning,” CNN host Abby Phillip admitted.

Philip proceeded to highlight the fact that The New York Times’ poll – which indicated that Trump leads Biden by four points nationally – also suggests that while the former President retains 97% of the votes he received in 2020, 17% of those who voted for the Democrat President have jumped ship.

“The person who is eroding support is actually Joe Biden, according to this,” she conceded.

Republican strategist Scott Jennings, who was also part of the CNN panel discussion, also noted that the Times’ poll indicated that on top of retaining his 2020 support, Trump is also pulling in new supporters from demographics that have traditionally voted nearly exclusively for Democrats, like black and Hispanic voters.

“Trump’s base is there, it’s pretty solid, and not only that, if you look inside of the New York Times/Siena poll that Harry was just talking about, there’s obviously new people coming in,” Jennings explained. “Trump was leading among Hispanics, Trump was tied among women, he had a quarter of African-American voters.”

“If those splits hold, there’s no way for Joe Biden to win because that’s a whole bunch of new people coming into the Republican Party, so you could shed some of the folks you were talking about if you’re replacing them with this multi-generational, multi-racial working-class coalition of people that never vote Republican,” he concluded.

Democrats have always been able to count on their media allies to help manipulate the national narrative anytime they need a boost.

But it’s reaching the point where even they can’t spin Joe Biden’s failures.

The fact that some of Democrats’ top media allies can’t put a positive spin on Joe Biden’s bleak re-election prospects proves just how disastrous the 2024 election has gone for Democrats thus far.

And there’s no indication that things will be turning around for them any time soon.

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.