A judge just attempted to hand the 2024 election to Kamala Harris by issuing this one repulsive decision

The Democrats have not taken their feet off the gas in their lawfare against Donald Trump, and one judge just handed Kamala Harris a massive gift right before the election.

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Kamala Harris is still relying on the weaponization of the justice system to take out Donald Trump.

And she just was handed one gift with impeccable timing that changes everything.

And a judge just attempted to hand the 2024 election to Kamala Harris by issuing this one repulsive decision.

Judge Chutkan gives green light to Jack Smith’s election interference

Obama-appointed judge Tanya Chutkan and Biden-Harris recruited prosecutor Jack Smith faced a massive roadblock in their scheme to rig a show trial against Donald Trump.

The charges against Trump are related to the January 6 trial which was set to take place before the election before the Supreme Court stepped in their way.

Since Judge Chutkan couldn’t host the bogus trial against Trump prior to the election in order to influence the outcome of the vote, she outdid herself with the next best move she could make in Harris’ favor.

In a ruling that is soaked in contempt, Chutkan ruled that Smith would be allowed to dump a 180-page motion that outlined the case against Trump, which serves no purpose outside of being an opposition research hit piece to take out Kamala Harris’ top political opponent.

“A party’s factual proffer does not conclusively establish anything – it merely provides evidence for the judicial factfinder to consider,” whined Chutkan. “The schedule reflects the court’s best judgment about how to comply efficiently with the Supreme Court’s instructions on remand.”

As expected, Judge Chutkan also shot down Trump’s legal team’s claim that the move was clearly an attempt to meddle in the election, particularly how Trump’s gag order prevents him from defending himself publicly, violating his Constitutional rights.

“The court need not address the substance of those claims,” the judge added. “Defendant does not explain how those putative violations cause him legal prejudice in this case, nor how this court is bound by or has jurisdiction to enforce Department of Justice policy.”

Trump’s side of the argument

Current Justice Department policy states that any prosecutorial action taken against candidates within two months of an election is strictly prohibited.

Trump’s legal team made the argument that Smith introducing this massive document dump of anti-Trump information for the media to blast out to the public was “fundamentally unfair.”

Trump’s defense also argued that the document dump “would attempt to set a closed record for addressing unfiled defense motions by crediting their own untested assessments of purported evidence, denying President Trump an opportunity to confront their witnesses, and preventing the defense from obtaining discovery.”

The result of this entire situation is that Smith would be allowed to try his case against Trump before the court of public opinion, and Trump would be barred from defending himself on two fronts.

First, Trump and his legal defense team would not be allowed to test any presented evidence by Smith in court through cross examination.

Secondly, Kamala Harris and the Democrats through their allies in the media would be enabled to attack Trump using content from the document dump, and Trump would be barred from defending himself.

That is because the gag order bans Trump from delivering any comments or thoughts related to the witnesses and testimony in this case.

In the final month of the election, Kamala Harris could slam Trump every single day for being an “insurrectionist” who attempted to end democracy, and if Trump responds to any of those attacks Chutkan could revoke his bail and throw Trump right into jail.

If any of that seems fundamentally unfair – that is the entire point.

The fact is that the lawfare has gotten to a point where the Biden-Harris administration was allowed to stack the deck in Kamala’s favor, recruiting Democrat prosecutors like Smith, who was never even approved by the Senate, to file bogus indictments against Trump before Democrat judges.