Alina Habba went scorched earth over this severe blunder

Photo by Claire Anderson from Unsplash

Democrats have made plenty of mistakes in their many witch hunts against Donald Trump.

One in particular is coming back to haunt them in a major way.

And now Alina Habba went scorched earth over this severe blunder.

A big no-no

Despite the fact that New York Democrat Attorney General Letitia James never presented even a shred of evidence to support her claim former President Donald Trump was guilty of civil fraud, Democrat-appointed Judge Arthur Engoron hit him with a $455 million judgment in February.

To make matters worse, Judge Engoron not only ignored the lack of evidence in making his decision, he also ignored the testimony of the very banks James claimed Trump “defrauded,” as they all universally declared that they were not the victims of fraud, were paid back every dime they loaned Trump’s companies – with interest – ahead of the final due date, and that they would love to do business with the former President again in the future.

Of course, Engoron’s actions should come as no surprise.

According to a report from The Daily Wire, over the past 25 years, Judge Engoron had donated thousands of dollars “exclusively” to Democrats.

Furthermore, prior to the Trump case – which didn’t include a jury, leaving all the power in the Democrat Judge’s hands to be judge, jury, and executioner –  he openly admitted that he holds the “controversial” belief that “juries get it wrong a lot,” and that he can unilaterally decide to overrule their verdict because “it’s hard to factor out my own emotions.”

But now, Engoron’s chickens are finally coming home to roost.

Back in February, New York real estate attorney Adam Leitman Bailey confessed that just weeks before Engoron handed down his judgment, he spoke privately with the Democrat Judge about the case.

“I actually had the ability to speak to him three weeks ago,” Bailey told NBC New York at the time. “I saw him in the corner [at the courthouse] and I told my client, ‘I need to go.’ And I walked over and we started talking. . . I wanted him to know what I think and why. . . I really want him to get it right.”

A statement from the court admitted that the conversation’s focus was the Trump case, but claimed that Engoron was “wholly uninfluenced” by Bailey, who previously had his license to practice law suspended for telling a tenant in a case he was working on to “commit suicide,” per The New York Post.

The law is rather clear

Nevertheless, regardless of whether Engoron was at all influenced by the conversation, the mere fact that it occurred is indisputably a clear violation of the rules of judicial conduct.

As a result, an ethics investigation in the Democrat Judge’s conduct is now underway, and Trump’s legal team is working to have him removed from the case for the “appearance of impropriety” caused by his actions.

In an appearance on Hannity, Trump attorney Alina Habba took Engoron to task over the whole ordeal, and pointed out that Bailey has himself sued the former President on more than six separate occasions while openly expressing his total disdain for him.

“I just want to be really clear for the listeners on what happened here,” Habba told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “This attorney, Mr. Bailey, went on TV bragging about the fact he had spoken with the judge that was sitting on our case, Judge Engoron.”

“The judge had not issued his final decision on this case and this attorney who has sued Trump more than six times has now gone up to a judge sitting on an active case and spoken to him about the case,” Habba added. “That is not allowed.”

The Trump attorney went on to note that while Engoron is facing an ethics investigation, Trump can’t simply wait around for that decision as it could potentially lead to the judgment being vacated.

“He never notified the parties – not allowed,” Habba explained. “This goes way beyond anything else we already know and it gave us another reason to say yet again ‘you need to step down, you need to take the robe, your code of judicial conduct, seriously.’”

“If this was influenced, if we do find out about it, absolutely there are grounds to vacate the decision for a reversal,” she added.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time Engoron has been accused of an “appearance of impropriety” by Trump’s legal team.

The former President’s attorneys previously filed a motion for a mistrial in the case based on “an appearance of impropriety” caused by numerous factors, including the Democrat Judge’s decision to share articles about the case in his high school alumni newsletter in order to seemingly brag about his role in the Trump witch hunt.

No matter how you slice it, Arthur Engoron should have never been allowed to have any part in the case, much less as the sole arbitrator of so-called “justice.”

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.