Alvin Bragg’s diminishing career just got slammed with this devastating verdict on Trump’s conviction

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg oversaw what critics call the most obtrusive election interference plan in American history.

He may have successfully engineered a case that relied on cooperation from the Democrat judge and jury.

But Alvin Bragg’s diminishing career just got slammed with this devastating verdict on Trump’s conviction.

Conviction completely whiffs intended target

Despite his best efforts to chip away at Trump’s poll numbers, Americans are continuing to show that they just do not care about Bragg’s overtly manufactured conviction against former President Donald Trump.

Considering the stretching and manipulation of legal theory deployed by Bragg, an overwhelming majority of people just cannot accurately describe the phony crimes invented by the Manhattan DA.

Making things more concerning for Democrats is the fact that this case was likely the only one against Trump that will be heard before the election.

And recent polling data continues to show that the conviction scored against Trump by Bragg completely missed its intended target.

AARP just dropped a poll of the Congressional districts that will ultimately decide the majority in the House of Representatives, and it shows Trump walking away with all battleground races in his favor by at least two points.

Making things worse for the Left is the fact that the polls are showing that Trump is significantly more popular than the so-called “electable” Republican candidates pushed by the “Swamp” and establishment GOP.

50% of voters even said that they held a favorable opinion on Trump’s performance during his previous Presidency.

So if Republicans are able to lock in the majority in the House, or even expand it, they would have the strength of Donald Trump on the ballot to thank for it.

Swing state data punishes Joe Biden’s goals

The Hill/Emerson just released another slate of swing state polls that has Democrat jaws dropped to the floor.

And while the numbers look amazing for Trump in Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania, they show a new inroad being driven by his campaign.

Bright blue Minnesota – a state where no Republican has won since 1972 – is currently tied by Trump and Biden at 45 percent according to this new data.

So when the entire electoral map is looked at from a bird’s eye view, it’s easy to see why Democrats are crying “crisis.”

Republicans are currently the favored victor for President, as well as winners of majority in both houses of Congress.

Should this translate to the Election Day results, Trump would essentially have his entire agenda locked in right away.

He would be able to lock in the completion of his border wall, his 2017 tax cuts, American energy independence by destroying Biden’s Green New Deal and taking DEI out of government.