Barbra Streisand had this mind-blowing reaction after seeing one video of Joe Biden

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Barbra Streisand is a legend in the entertainment industry.

The noted singer, actress, and songwriter is also one of the most outspoken leftists in Hollywood.

And now Barbra Streisand had this mind-blowing reaction after seeing one video of Joe Biden.

Streisand reacts to the latest disturbing Joe Biden video

Barbra Streisand won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in ‘Funny Girl.’

And Streisand topped the charts with albums like ‘The Way We Were.’

“Babs,” as she is known, also served as the inspiration for Mike Myers’ portrayal of Linda Richmond in the early 1990s on the iconic Saturday Night Live skit, “Coffee Talk.”

There is no question that Streisand is one of the most iconic entertainers of the last 60 years.

There is also no doubt that Streisand is also one of the most stridently leftist entertainers.

And Streisand was quick to involve herself in the growing discussion over video proof of Joe Biden’s cognitive decline.

Questions about Biden’s senility reached critical mass after a disastrous trip to Italy for the G-7 summit, where multiple videos showed a clearly confused Biden wandering around aimlessly.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had to constantly herd Joe Biden back into the group of world leaders like a mom corralling an unfocused child.


But despite the clear video evidence, Streisand quickly adopted the White house talking point that these videos were fake.

She even called on the media to censor them.

“The NY Post is printing lies about President Biden. No other media outlets should amplify its disinformation,” Streisand posted on X.

Streisand demanded the media censor the video because there is such a thing known as the “Streisand Effect,” where demands for censorship only serve to lead to greater exposure to the object of censorship.

Babs didn’t learn the lesson about the Streisand Effect

Britannica defines the Streisand Effect as the “phenomenon in which an attempt to censor, hide, or otherwise draw attention away from something only serves to attract more attention to it.”

The Streisand Effect first came into being thanks to a 2003 lawsuit brought by Streisand over pictures of the California coastline that accidentally displayed her home.

Fans and stalkers harassed Streisand for years, as she jealously tried to guard her privacy. 

“Streisand’s lawsuit was filed against photographer Kenneth Adelman, the founder of the California Coastal Records Project, for which he photographed the coastline of the state from a helicopter and posted the photos to the Internet,” Britannica wrote.

But her lawsuit backfired as Streisand’s lawsuit turned the picture into a news story, which led to tens of thousands of people seeing a picture that only a small handful previously knew existed.

“The lawsuit was highly publicized, and a flurry of interest and activity followed. In the month after the filing, the photo was viewed more than 400,000 times and reposted on news sites and elsewhere on the Internet,” Britannica added.

If anyone should know that a celebrity going public with their demands for censorship will only lead to people wanting to see what all the fuss is about, it’s Barbra Streisand.

And that’s exactly what happened with the Biden videos.