Darker details emerge on sex cult operating within the Deep State 

Whistleblower reveals it’s worse than you could have imagined.

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Humans from all walks of life have long understood that truth is often stranger than fiction.

Another conspiracy theory turned out to be true.

And now, darker details have emerged on the secret sex cult operating within the Deep State.

How’s trading liberty for security looking now?

Journalist Christopher Rufo recently blew the lid off a government scandal that sent the Deep State into panic mode.

Writing in the City Journal, Rufo exposed screenshots of private government chat logs in which more than 100 Deep State employees from the National Security Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) engaged in graphic sexual discussions for years.

These Deep State actors not only engaged in such discussions – which touched on everything from sex-change operations and transgender sex to other sexual acts and fetishes – while being paid by American taxpayers to supposedly safeguard the nation against foreign and domestic terrorism but also on government servers.

But to make matters worse, Rufo’s reporting didn’t end there.

He proceeded to publish an interview with an NSA whistleblower who revealed in great detail how a small cabal of woke, left-wing radicals within the intelligence state – many of which were likely the primary perpetrators of the aforementioned woke sex chats – used their self-appointed woke privilege to force major policy changes within America’s “national security” apparatus.

According to the whistleblower, the woke takeover of the NSA and other agencies within the intelligence state began – unsurprisingly – during the Obama regime, which began the process of implementing programs rooted in Democrats’ identity politics insanity.

“About ten years ago, they started doing the ‘employee resource groups’ – African American, veterans, Pride,” the whistleblower explained. “It was just a meeting here and there, almost like a potluck—culture, food, a speech. Then it started to get more and more. Instead of just one day a month, it was one week a month, or the whole month.”

Furthermore, the NSA whistleblower also revealed that the woke policies within the intelligence state grew to the point in which every employee – regardless of how mission critical your position is to national security – were forced to spend countless hours each day in what are effectively radical left-wing indoctrination camps, or kiss any hope at a promotion goodbye.

“You could be hired as a mathematician, a staff officer, or system engineer, but you would spend your time going to these events and having meetings all day about it,” the whistleblower continued. “[Woke radicals] got themselves into position to help craft policy and started pushing the idea that if you want to get promoted, you have to participate in these events.”

“There is a very small number of them, but they wield an enormous amount of power,” the whistleblower added. “And outside of the sick stuff, you also see a prevalent Marxist philosophy going on with these people in their chat rooms. They hate capitalism. They hate Christians. They’re always espousing socialist and Marxist beliefs.”

Woke “infected everything” whistleblower charges

Unsurprisingly, any effort to push back against the small cabal of woke radicals was met with the typical left-wing temper tantrums designed to force normal Americans into silence.

“I know several people at the agency brought that up, like, ‘Hey, we’re here to fight for the U.S.A. and go after the adversaries,’” the whistleblower revealed. “And they just got hammered. They would just start coming out with ‘transphobe’ and ‘homophobe’ right away, or calling you a ‘racist.’ And that’s why a lot of folks are still hesitant to say anything, because you still have people at these agencies in those key spots. It infected everything.”

In the end, the whistleblower admitted that despite anyone’s personal beliefs, once you’ve been subjected to years of indoctrination, and are having your job and livelihood threatened by those demanding you conform to their demented worldview, you almost can’t help but filter every decision and action you take through a woke prism just to survive – which in the world of the intelligence state, inevitably puts American lives at risk.

“I don’t care if you’re politically left or right; you can’t have an unbiased mind if you’re writing a report, and you’re constantly focused on ‘how does this apply to gender ideology,’” the whistleblower concluded.

Thankfully, Trump’s Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard’s reaction to the revelations was swift and just.

Immediately after Rufo’s report was published, Gabbard ordered that the more than 100 Deep State employees involved in the sex chats be fired and stripped of their security clearances, thereby preventing them from landing lucrative, private sector consulting jobs, as many former Deep State hacks who are for some strange reason allowed to keep their security clearances after leaving government generally do.

“What we’re going to do has already been done,” Gabbard told Fox News’ Jesse Watters when asked what kind of consequences the perpetrators would face. “There are over 100 people from across the intelligence community that contributed to and participated in what is really just an egregious violation of trust, what to speak of basic rules and standards of professionalism.”

“I put out a directive today that they all will be terminated and their security clearances will be revoked,” she added.

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