Democrats are preparing to unleash this secret weapon to defeat Donald Trump

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Democrats have been frantically attempting to find a strategy that will save Joe Biden’s sinking campaign.

Now with the die all but cast, they’re coming to the realization that their only hope may be to drop the political equivalent of a nuclear bomb.

And as a result Democrats are now preparing to unleash this secret weapon to defeat Donald Trump.

The overwhelming majority of self-proclaimed “journalists” have gone all-in on being dutiful foot soldiers in Democrats’ propaganda machine.

Rather than actually doing the job journalistic integrity demands, Democrats’ media allies merely parrot whatever talking points are handed down to them from their ruling class overlords.

Case in point, after Biden Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently decided that simply ignoring all the viral videos of President Joe Biden’s significant physical and cognitive decline wasn’t having Democrats’ desired effect, and declared them all “cheap fakes,” virtually the entire media suddenly began repeating the same lie as if their lives depended on it.

Nevermind the fact that neither Jean-Pierre nor any of the self-proclaimed “journalists” who repeated the lie ever provided even a shred of evidence to support their claim.

But as if having a chorus of media talking heads all regurgitating the same exact talking points over and over again wasn’t enough, former top Clinton strategist James Carville has come forward to demand that Democrats and their media allies take it a step further.

According to Carville, rather than the Biden regime continuing to make up an assortment of lies about former President Donald Trump each day, they should simply decide on one gigantic lie that they and their media allies will simply hammer over and over again.

“I call it the problem of the mosquito in a news colony,” Carville stated on his podcast.

Carville insisted that Democrats and their media allies must focus their attack on one big lie that will take Trump out, rather than pushing all their other lies at once.

“You got to pick a spot, alright, and there’s so many things about Trump,” he claimed. “He’s crooked, he’s treasonous, he uses racism, he’s incompetent, he’s vulgar, he’s a sexual predator. By the way, twenty-six women have credibly accused him of sexual improprieties, alright. But you get one and the next day it’s something else, and you’re jumping around.”

Furthermore, Carville suggested that by focusing their attack on a singular lie about Trump, the Biden regime could then implement an “enforcement mechanism” to force the entire media to stay on narrative.

“There has to be, and this is where I fault the White House,” Carville continued. “The President needs to give a speech in fifteen minutes, and they poll, and they know. I mean, don’t kid yourself, they know exactly. Tell us what negative to accentuate. And then you can have some kind of enforcement mechanism.”

“Hopefully, we get this in the debate, that there’s a coherent line of attack coming out of Biden against Trump, so that we can all pick it up. But then one segment on MSNBC is in one place, the Times columnist, you know, Krugman, is in another place and E. J. Dionne somewhere else, and Eugene Robinson is over there. And it’s ten different people in ten different places and that’s not effective,” he concluded.

Democrats and their media allies have bent over backwards to manipulate reality and distort the truth in order to take down Donald Trump.

And now, they’re planning to take things to the next level.

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.