Donald Trump has openly admitted that his 2020 loss was a blessing in disguise, allowing him to digest his first four years in office and learn many hard lessons from his missteps.
One of the most important of those lessons was how to decipher who exactly he could and couldn’t trust in Washington, D.C.
And now Donald Trump couldn’t help but smile as this RINO hack finally got what was coming to him.
Another warmonger bites the dust
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (RINO-LA) recently made what can only be described as his one and only principled, courageous move since taking the Speaker’s gavel in the fall of 2023 when he finally grew a backbone and removed Rep. Mike Turner (RINO-OH) from his role as Chairman of the incredibly powerful House Intelligence Committee.
According to a report from The New York Times, Turner is telling people behind the scenes that Speaker Johnson personally informed him that his ouster came about after a request from President Donald Trump’s “Mar-a-Lago estate” – an obvious attempt to claim that the President himself ordered the Congressman’s removal from the Chairmanship as political retribution for his support of the neocon establishment and vote to certify results of the 2020 election.
“Mr. Turner, who emerged from a meeting with the speaker on Wednesday afternoon looking furious, has told people that Mr. Johnson informed him his ouster was the result of a request from Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, according to a person familiar with those conversations,” The New York Times reported.
For his part, Johnson has dismissed claims that Trump ordered him to give Turner the boot, suggesting instead that the shakeup was simply the natural byproduct of a new Congress.
“It’s a new Congress,” Johnson told the media. “We just need fresh horses in some of these places. But I’m a Mike Turner fan. He’s done a great job. He performed valiantly in a difficult time under difficult circumstances. So I have nothing but positive things to say about my friend and colleague.”
“This is not a President Trump decision; this is a House decision,” he added. “And this is no slight whatsoever to our. . . outgoing Chairman.”
Of course, regardless of what precipitated the move, the fact that top Democrats are losing their minds over the Chairmanship shakeup proves it was the correct move for the nation, and the world at-large.
“I’m enormously concerned because I think you’d be hard-pressed to find somebody as fair-minded,” Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, whined to reporters after Turner was axed.
The neocon establishment is dying a slow death
And Turner himself even helped make the case for his own removal when he went on CNN to air his frustrations over his demotion by claiming that anyone who supports Trump’s efforts to end the neocon establishment’s U.S. taxpayer-funded proxy war against Russia in Ukraine simply isn’t smart enough to think for themselves and had therefore been brainwashed by Russian propaganda.
“It is absolutely true we see, directly coming from Russia, attempts to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor,” Turner told CNN.
Turner even went so far as to admit that the more Americans speak out against their failed neocon foreign policy agenda, particularly when it comes to Ukraine, the more difficult it becomes for them to push their own propaganda narratives about the war in Ukraine being a battle of “authoritarian versus democracy.”
“To the extent that this propaganda takes hold, it makes it more difficult for us to really see this as an authoritarian versus democracy battle,” Turner whined.
As far as neocon warmongers like Turner are concerned, any facts or information that are inconvenient to their propaganda narratives are therefore “propaganda.”
But fortunately, the neocon establishment is losing its power under the new Trump administration, as evidenced by Turner’s removal from the House Intel Committee Chairmanship.
President Trump has already stated that his goal is to put an end to the war in Ukraine within his first 100 days back in office, and with a powerful neocon like Turner removed as the House Intel Committee’s Chairman, the barriers to such a monumental peace agreement are coming down.
And it’s safe to say that Mike Turner’s ouster is likely only the first of many dominos to fall on that front.