Donald Trump just got dragged into a nasty sex scandal

The Democrats have become so vile that they are starting their nastiest mud-dragging campaign about former President Trump yet.

(U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Hailey Staker), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

With election day less than a couple months away, the Democrats are starting to throw anything they can get their hands on at Trump.

But their latest strategy was a blow far below the belt.

And Donald Trump just got dragged into a nasty sex scandal.

Alleged mistress flew to debate to support Trump

The Democrats and their media allies are clearly desperate to find new dirt to attack Trump with to displace any coverage over Kamala Harris’ plenty of failures, including foreign policy, the border, and rampant inflation.

The shiniest object in the media, which they elected to settle on, became Laura Loomer.

Loomer has a controversial reputation on social media, and she flew with Trump to attend the debate well after giving him her endorsement.

The media hates Laura Loomer due to her admittedly bombastic personality.

But Loomer also supports debunked conspiracies and falsehoods around how 9/11 was supposedly an “inside job.”

But the press is taking their slandering of Loomer to a whole new level, well beyond just calling her a fringe conspiracy theorist.

Bill Maher makes bogus declaration that Donald Trump is currently having an affair

On a recent episode of Bill Maher’s Real Time show, Maher alleged that Loomer flying on the same plane as Trump meant that they were having a sexual affair.

“I think maybe Laura Loomer’s in an arranged relationship to influence the election because she’s very close to Trump,” Maher stated. “She’s 31, looks like his type.”

Maher pointed to Trump’s history that includes multiple divorces to try and manufacture more credibility for his rumor.

“Because I said, it’s not nobody,” he added. “He’s been a dog for too long.”

“And it’s not Melania. I think we may have our answer this week,” Maher continued. “I think it might be Laura Loomer, I’m just saying.”

Trump, Loomer, and conservatives fire back

Loomer instantly took to X where she claimed that she had the ability to sue Maher for defamation due to his completely baseless claim that she and Trump were having an affair.

“I should sue Bill Maher for Defamation,” she started on her social media post. “This is beyond the pale and it’s a complete and blatant lie.”

“I have never in my life seen such a coordinated attack by the mainstream Media, the White House and leftist personalities to target a private citizen and investigative journalist simply because I flew on a plane and I support Donald Trump,” she scoffed.

Trump and his supporters completely disregarded the clearly bogus claims Maher was spewing to focus more on the bigger issue at play – the other phony claim that Loomer traveling with Trump means that Trump endorses every controversial remark Loomer has made.

Trump posted on his Truth Social platform that Loomer was merely a supporter, and played zero significant role in his campaign organization.

“Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign. She’s a private citizen and longtime supporter,” Trump’s post began. “I disagree with the statements she made but, like the many millions of people who support me, she is tired of watching the Radical Left Marxists and Fascists violently attack and smear me, even to the point of doing anything to stop their Political Opponent, ME!”

“I am now in California, which Democrats like Comrade Kamala Harris and Governor Gavin Newscum have completely DESTROYED. I will turn it all around and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” concluded his post.

Not all allies of Donald Trump agree with the situation, however.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) explained to reporters that she felt that Loomer has bought into too many wild conspiracy theories, therefore it wasn’t a good look for Trump to be traveling with her, assuming that she would be trying to offer advice.

“This is such an important election,” shared Greene. “I don’t think she has the experience or the right mentality to advise a very important presidential election.”