Sunday, February 16, 2025

Donald Trump was finally vindicated by this confession about Joe Biden everyone wanted to hear for years

Reporters confirmed the critical details of the Biden administration’s biggest scandal.

Donald Trump returned to the White House with more power than ever in his second term.

Injured animals are often the most dangerous and Trump’s enemies are hurting.

But Donald Trump was finally vindicated by this confession about Joe Biden everyone wanted to hear for years.

For decades now, tens of millions of working-class Americans have pointed out the blatant left-wing bias in so-called “mainstream” media.

But even through the Trump era, most still didn’t know the extent to which Democrats have puppet master-like control over major media outlets.

Now a former Politico reporter’s bombshell confession about Democrats’ control over “mainstream” media has Donald Trump ready to rumble.

The reason no one trusts the media

Ever since the first televised Presidential debate in 1960, politicians and those within the so-called “mainstream” media alike have fully understood the power mass media has to manipulate and outright control large swaths of a population.

But none have taken it to heart quite like Democrat elites, who have spent the nearly six and a half decades since ensuring that their left-wing minions infiltrated every level of media, giving them dystopian levels of control over the supposedly free and independent press working-class Americans are supposed to trust for legitimate facts and credible information.

Of course, for much of that time, those who did call out the blatant left-wing bias in media were either ignored or outright dismissed by a majority of their fellow citizens, even though such dismissals were often based solely on the fact that many of them simply couldn’t bring themselves to consider the possibility that the primary reason they held many of their beliefs about the world around them was only because those in power wanted them to believe it.

That has largely started to change in recent years, though, as the “mainstream” media’s decision to go all-in on openly pushing left-wing propaganda without any reservations about the impact it’s having on their credibility during the Trump era has fully exposed them for who they truly are.

Now, Americans’ trust in the media is at historic lows, and unfortunately for self-proclaimed “journalists,” it’s only going to get worse once the public learns about this latest bombshell.

During a recent episode of Puck News political correspondent Tara Palmeri’s Somebody’s Gotta Win podcast, Palmeri and her former Politico colleague, Marc Caputo, discussed the current state of the media, particularly their former employer.

And during the conversation, Caputo referenced Politico’s reporting on the thoroughly debunked and discredited October 2020 letter signed by 51 former Deep State officials, which claimed The New York Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” was so-called “Russian disinformation.”

“Politico did that terrible, ill-fated headline: 51 intelligence agents, or former intelligence agents, say that the Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation, or bore the hallmarks of disinformation,” Caputo recalled. “Turns out that story was closer to disinformation because the Hunter Biden laptop appeared to be true.”

As a matter of fact, he even went so far as to reveal that because it was his job at the time to cover then-Presidential candidate Joe Biden for Politico, he attempted to convince the outlet’s editors that they needed to cover the Hunter Biden laptop fiasco —  that is supposed to be self-proclaimed “journalists’” job, after all.

But as Caputo put it, orders “came from on high” that banned Politico employees from publishing any reports or even social media posts about the situation, thereby ensuring that the only piece the outlet published on the matter was the now-thoroughly debunked claims of the aforementioned 51 Deep State officials.

“I was covering Biden at the time, and I remember coming to my editor and saying, ‘Hey, we need to write about the Hunter Biden laptop.’ And I was told this came from on high at Politico: Don’t write about the laptop, don’t talk about the laptop, don’t tweet about the laptop. And the only thing Politico wound up writing was that piece that called it disinformation, which charitably could be called misinformation, at the least,” Caputo explained.

Just the tip of the iceberg

He also reminded Palmeri, who originally broke the story about Hunter throwing a handgun in a public dumpster which ultimately became the basis for the charges he faced for lying on a federal background check form, that she had sought advice from him at that time about how she could get Politico to actually publish her reporting in spite of the fact that it was a negative story for Biden.

“I remember you consulted with me cause you had — you did the original report on the gun, and you came to me like, ‘How do I write about this?’ I’m like, ‘Honestly, I don’t know.’” Caputo said.

For her part, Palmeri confirmed Caputo’s recollection of events, explaining that she worked for months on her Hunter Biden laptop reporting and had the story “100% nailed down,” but faced roadblock after roadblock from Politico as they sought to delay the publication of the reporting since it was negative towards Biden.

“Cause it was hard to get it done,” Palmeri admitted. “I spent three months on it, I went to the laptop shop, and I did all of the reporting in Delaware, and I did all of that. But yeah, it had to be like much — it had to be 100% nailed down. I had everything, you know, the police reports, every, like, you know, I’m a solid reporter.”

She even went on to allude that Politico wouldn’t have forced her to jump through so many hoops if her reporting wasn’t negative towards Biden.

“But I do wonder if it could have — if it would have been published a little quicker if it was a different type of story,” Palmeri said. “It was the beginning of his administration, it was a honeymoon period — you know what I mean?”

Both Marc Caputo and Tara Palmeri are deeply entrenched, “mainstream” media figures who have worked for some of the most prominent outlets in the country.

So when they’re openly admitting that their employers are forcing them to engage in blatant bias, it’s just the tip of the iceberg.


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