Donald Trump was just given this one challenge by Joe Biden that he cannot turn down

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr

It goes without saying that the 2024 Presidential election is one of a kind.

But now Joe Biden is going all in on this one trick play.

And Donald Trump was just given this one challenge by Joe Biden that he cannot turn down.

Trump is winning big in swing state polls

According to a recent report by Axios, President Joe Biden and his handlers are trying to avoid giving any attention to the polls, which show he is losing pretty badly.

He seems more interested in saving face than running a serious campaign.

But it was when Siena University and the New York Times dropped new polls showing Trump winning in five out of the six top swing states that Biden’s campaign finally began to sound the alarm.

Biden changes course and says he will debate

Throughout all of 2023, Biden had been hinting that he was not willing to debate Trump.

The Democrat-controlled media worked overtime to try and convince Americans that it would actually stain the office of the Presidency if he got on stage with an alleged insurrectionist.

But most Americans understand why a debate would be a bad idea – Joe Biden’s cognitive decline would be publicly compared to an opponent standing next to him, and it would look terrible for the incumbent President.

The poll data clearly reflects that the American people are not buying the Democrats’ poor excuses to not debate.

So Joe Biden has finally come out saying he will debate, but set some pretty strict demands in order for it to actually happen.

The first condition is that there can only be two debates, and they must happen well before Election Day.

The first would take place as early as June, with the second taking place in September.

The idea is that if, and likely when, the debates turn out to be a huge problem for Biden, it will give them a significant amount of time to run damage control.

“Mr. Biden and his top aides want the debates to start much sooner than the dates proposed by the Commission on Presidential Debates,” reported the New York Times. “Voters can see the two candidates side by side well before early voting begins in September.”

Another condition set by the Biden team was that the debate must happen in an empty studio with no audience, while stating that Trump’s microphone must be muted when Biden is speaking.

“They want the debate to occur inside a TV studio, with microphones that automatically cut off when a speaker’s time limit elapses,” continued the Times.

Biden’s campaign also stated that only a handful of media organizations will be allowed to host the debates, in which a list was provided.

Joe Biden will only debate if it is hosted by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NPR, or Telemundo.

The last condition that must be met is that Robert Kennedy, Jr., who is running an impressive independent campaign, must be banned from attendance.

“They want it to be just the two candidates and the moderator – without the raucous in-person audiences that Mr. Trump feeds on and without the participation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or other independent or third-party candidates,” the New York Times included in their report.

Biden takes advantage of Trump ongoing trial

In an overly edited 14-second video, Joe Biden posted his challenge for Donald Trump to “make my day” and accept his debate challenge.The clip, which featured a shocking amount of short-edits to mask the laboring 10 seconds of Joe Biden speaking, did not publicize any of their conditions for the debate.

This was also one of the first instances of President Joe Biden treating Trump’s Manhattan court case as anything other than an attempt to hinder Trump’s participation on the campaign trail.

He did this by taunting Trump over the fact that the debate could take place on a Wednesday, the only weekday the court is allowing Trump to go out and campaign during his phony political show trial led by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

“Let’s pick the date, Donald. I hear you’re free on Wednesdays,” Biden exhaled.

Political Animal News will keep you updated as this story develops.