Donald Trump’s reaction to this Bill Barr announcement will have you rolling on the floor laughing

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr

Former Attorney General Bill Barr ended his tenure in the Trump White House at odds with the former President over the 2020 election.

Now Barr wants back in Trump’s good graces after he stabbed Trump in the back. 

And Trump’s response to this announcement from Bill Barr has conservatives breathless with laughter.

Former Attorney General got a brutal reality check after move to get back in Trump’s good graces

Bill Barr served as Trump’s Attorney General for only two years, and the most known moment during his service was when he stabbed Trump in the back, claiming there was no voter fraud in 2020.

So when Barr endorsed Trump for 2024, it makes sense that everyone from all ends of the political spectrum was stunned in surprise.

One of the toughest things former President Donald Trump had to deal with during his tenure in the Oval Office was the fact that he was surrounded by RINO’s and even Deep State operatives.

Trump had to contend with being flanked from his own cabinet at times by those whose allegiances were sworn to the Bush-Clinton era of politics.

This included people like Vice President Mike Pence, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, former CIA Director and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Mitch McConnell’s wife who served as his Transportation Secretary, Jeff Sessions, John Bolton and John Kelly – the list is larger than you would want to imagine.

William Barr, who Trump appointed to Attorney General, was a mistake of a selection, unfortunately.

Barr served in the CIA for some time before becoming the Attorney General for the RINO former President George H.W. Bush. 

Over the last 30 years, Barr has dedicated his time to advocating for the growth of the federal government’s power and influence over everyday Americans.

As did the rest of the political elitists who were desperate to cling to power when Trump was in office, Barr talked a big game about how he would be a great ally to Trump, and managed to score the Attorney General nomination.

Barr bait & switch

One of the ways he did this was by calling out the Deep State for illegally spying on Trump’s 2016 campaign, while he would routinely slam the Democrats for their “Russian-collusion” hoax that proved to be a completely manufactured stunt by the Left.

Once he had set his roots in his role, Barr didn’t hesitate to take the opportunity to stab Trump in the back when he felt that it was most convenient for his career ambitions.

He proved to be a serious threat and a major problem for, not just Trump’s administration, but also the American people.

One way he did this was by letting then-FBI Director James Comey off the hook completely, despite Comey’s attempt to organize and execute a coup against Trump via the phony “Russian-collusion” narrative created by the Democrats.

Barr also gave the green light to the FBI and Department of Justice to sweep the Hunter Biden laptop story under the rug for years to come.

Trump has admitted that he made some poor selections during his previous administration, but has promised that this will not be a mistake that will happen again.

RINO-style endorsement

In fact, in a recent interview with Maria Bartiromo at Fox News, Trump said that if he could rewind the clock, he “wouldn’t have put a guy like Bill Barr” in his administration because he believed “he was weak and pathetic.”

This didn’t stop Bill Barr from effectively endorsing Trump for a second term, however.

Barr said that he will “vote the Republican ticket” in a recent appearance on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom.

Trump’s response to the endorsement by Bill Barr was so hilarious, it is hard to believe that anyone will ever see this kind of humor from another politician any time soon.

“Wow! Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him ‘Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy’ (New York post!),” Trump posted on his Truth Social platform.

“Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word ‘Lethargic’ from my statement.”

“Thank you Bill, MAGA2024!” added the former President.

As of now, Trump is facing an unprecedented level of judicial persecution from the Democrats as Joe Biden and his allies have turned to weaponizing the justice system to hit Trump with 91 criminal charges in four different political witch hunts.

And as Biden is “out” campaigning, Trump is forced to stay in a New York courtroom.

Despite Biden’s attempts, however, the cronies behind the sitting President have been failing to keep Trump down and out.