George Soros just got checkmated by Ron DeSantis in this frightening 2024 fight

Photo by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr

Socialist billionaire George Soros has been working feverishly to install soft-on-crime prosecutors in cities across the country.

But in Florida, his despicable scheme ran into one major roadblock. 

And now George Soros just got checkmated by Ron DeSantis in this frightening 2024 fight.

Ron DeSantis fired this Soros-backed Florida prosecutor 

Globalist billionaire George Soros has been investing tens of millions of dollars into normally low-profile district attorney elections in cities and towns around the country.

His dark money donations are electing soft-on-crime district attorneys who selectively enforce the law.

In Florida, that meant they simply ignored laws that were passed by the Republican-controlled State Legislature.

State Attorney Andrew Warren, of the 13th Judicial Circuit, was elected as a prosecutor in Hillsborough County in the Tampa, Florida, area mainly because of Soros’ flood of campaign cash.

Warren was soft-on-crime, but he flew under the radar until he decided to pick a high-profile fight with popular Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

And like many before him, Warren came out on the losing end.

In 2022, DeSantis signed a bill into law that banned most abortions after the 15 week mark.

Warren brazenly announced that he would not be prosecuting anyone for violating the law.

And his reasoning for this action was clear – he simply didn’t agree with it.

“I refuse to let this man trample on your freedoms to speak your mind, to make your own health care decisions, and to have your vote count,” Warren said at the time, referring to DeSantis.

But DeSantis didn’t take this lying down.

The Florida Governor used his constitutional authority and suspended the rogue Soros-backed prosecutor.

“The constitution of Florida has vested the veto power in the governor, not in state attorneys,” DeSantis said. “We are not going to allow this pathogen of ignoring the law to get a foothold in the state of Florida.”

The Florida Governor then appointed Suzy Lopez to replace Warren as the state attorney.

DeSantis confident the Soros-backed prosecutor will stay gone

Warren has announced he is running for his old job as state attorney again this fall against Lopez.

But DeSantis told reporters that he was confident that voters would keep Lopez in office.

“My action was based on the constitutional authority I have as governor and it was appropriate what we did and it has made Hillsborough County safer as a result,” DeSantis said. “Criminals are held accountable in a much more significant way since Suzy Lopez has been the state attorney.”

He pointed out that the days of giving criminals a slap on the wrist for violent crimes were over after Warren was suspended.

“Talk to any of the sheriffs’ deputies, talk to the sheriff himself about the change that’s happened,” DeSantis continued. “Recycling criminals and letting them out, going easy, that doesn’t work.”

A reporter asked him if he would suspend Warren again if he was elected.

DeSantis simply said that voters would choose to keep Lopez because they value public safety.

“We’ve seen a lot of bad ideas be implemented, we know what works, we know Florida’s crime rate’s at a 50-year low, we know that our retail theft is actually down since I’ve been governor, yet we just did great legislation to hold these folks accountable,” DeSantis said.

George Soros’ scheme to let criminals run wild in the Sunshine State is simply not going to fly with Ron DeSantis.

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.