Joe and Jill Biden had no clue cameras caught them in the act of this massive cover up

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

The Biden regime is desperate to keep one big secret under wraps.

But Joe Biden had another plan in mind.

And Joe and Jill Biden had no clue cameras caught them in the act of this massive cover up.

Jedi mind tricks don’t work in real life

Much to the chagrin of Democrats, their efforts to ignore and explain away President Joe Biden’s significant physical and cognitive decline have not succeeded.

Despite promising that Biden is “sharp” behind closed doors, the Democrat President has continued to put questions over his fitness for office front and center every time he appears in public.

As a result, Democrats and their media allies have chosen to take up a new strategy for combating all of the embarrassing videos that continue to expose Biden’s physical and cognitive decline – just declare them “cheap fakes.”

Obviously though, that lie becomes an issue when it is an unequivocal fact that the so-called “fake videos” are raw, unedited footage directly from Democrats’ media allies and/or the White House.

Take for instance, the recent viral video of President Biden freezing in the middle of a Democrat fundraiser and needing former President Barack Obama to help him find his way off stage.

Democrats and their media allies universally dismissed the video – in fact, some left-wing “influencers” even went so far as to claim none of what was seen in the video ever happened, and that it was all a lie concocted by Trump and his supporters.

But of course, the original video came directly from The Hollywood Reporter’s Chris Gardner.

Furthermore, another video recently declared “fake” by Democrats that shows Biden short-circuit in the middle of an event originally came from the White House itself.

And now, another video has been released by Democrats’ media allies, showing President Biden being unable to get into a vehicle without ample assistance from his security detail.

While there’s little doubt Democrats and their media allies will once again claim the video is somehow “fake,” they’ll certainly be more careful about how they go about it moving forward.

That’s because CBS was recently caught red-handed in a major lie about the Biden video.

The outlet attempted to do its duty as a loyal cog in Democrats’ propaganda machine by declaring the videos of Biden’s physical and cognitive decline “cheap fakes.”

“Misleading video clips of President Biden watching a skydiving demonstration at the G7 summit in Italy went viral last week, prompting the White House to say Biden is victim to a simpler version of “deepfakes.” So, what are “cheap fakes”?” CBS wrote on social media.

In a report, CBS specifically highlighted the video of Biden freezing during a Democrat fundraiser and needing Obama’s assistance as an example of one of the “cheap fake” videos they’re warning about.

The only problem is, in order to supposedly “prove” that the video was “fake,” CBS openly manipulated and edited the video to remove Biden freezing up and needing assistance walking off stage.

“CBS News digitally manipulates the footage by blurring out the widened footage and cuts the part out of Biden wandering off,” former Trump advisor Stephen Miller pointed out on X. “They literally created their own ‘Cheap Fake’ according to everyone’s new favorite definition.”

Surprisingly, CBS even owned up to the lie – albeit it in a separate, far less visible post long after the original had been shared countless times.

“An earlier post was removed as it included the wrong version of a video,” CBS wrote on X. “This version has been updated to include the correct clip and label on the edited video.”

Long story short, Democrats and their media allies are already so desperate to save Joe Biden’s sinking ship, they’ve resorted to literally fabricating videos.

And with neither Democrats nor Republicans having even hosted their respective national conventions yet, there’s no telling how far they’ll be willing to go come October.