Joe Biden is hopping mad over the Supreme Court’s latest landmark ruling

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Ever since Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointees tilted the balance of the Court against them, Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats have been on a mission.

The Court just drove another stake through one of leftists’ biggest sacred cows.

And now Joe Biden is hopping mad over the Supreme Court’s latest landmark ruling.

Court erases Trump-era liberal victory

In the wake of the 2017 shooting in Las Vegas and 2018 shooting in Parkland, Florida, then-President Donald Trump signed a memorandum directing his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to regulate so-called “bump stocks,” effectively banning the firearm accessory.

Bump stocks reduce firearms’ recoil, making it easier for the firearm to be fired more quickly – a feature that certainly comes in handy for those who are less experienced with firearms, as well as women in domestic violence situations and elderly individuals stopping threats, whose efforts to defend themselves can be limited or neutralized by recoil.

Trump claimed at the time that bump stocks somehow “turn legal weapons into illegal machine guns,” and that the accessory somehow made it where “you shoot rapidly but not accurately” – both of which are the type of anti-Second Amendment talking points usually pushed by Democrats without any basis in fact.

“A bump stock, you shoot rapidly but not accurately,” Trump claimed. “The bullets come out fast, but you don’t know where the hell they’re going.”

“Bump stocks, we are writing that out – I am writing that out,” he added to a group of state Governors after announcing his ban. “I don’t care if Congress does it or not, I’m writing it out myself.”

Unsurprisingly, once President Joe Biden took office, the bump stock ban became virtually the only Trump policy he didn’t work to change.

In fact, he simply took the baton and continued the Trump administration’s efforts to defend the ban in court.

Fortunately for freedom-loving Americans though, the constitutionalist Supreme Court majority has stepped in to right this wrong, issuing a 6-3 ruling that struck down the Trump-era bump stock ban.

Liberals know a defenseless populace is far easier to control and take advantage of

As Justice Clarence Thomas detailed extensively in his majority opinion, the regulations pushed at the time by Trump reclassified bump stocks in the same category as “machine guns,” but the National Firearms Act very plainly and clearly defines such firearms as those that fire more than one bullet “by a single function of the trigger.”

Considering the fact that adding a bump stock to a firearm does not cause it to shoot any more than one bullet for every pull of the trigger, Justice Thomas rightly declared the idea they’re “machine guns” a total fantasy.

“Semiautomatic firearms, which require shooters to reengage the trigger for every shot, are not machineguns,” Justice Thomas explained.

“The firing cycle remains the same,” he added. “Between every shot, the shooter must release pressure from the trigger and allow it to reset before re-engaging the trigger for another shot.”

Furthermore, Thomas highlighted the fact that bump stocks merely improve the efficiency at which a firearm can fire, and doesn’t change any of its actual function – like the idea the accessory makes it where the shooter doesn’t “know where the hell they’re going.”

“This case asks whether a bump stock — an accessory for a semiautomatic rifle that allows the shooter to rapidly reengage the trigger (and therefore achieve a high rate of fire) — converts the rifle into a ‘machinegun.’ We hold that it does not and therefore affirm,” Thomas concluded.

Justice Samuel Alito concurred with Thomas’ opinion, and took aim at those in power who allowed emotion to cloud the clear text of the Constitution.

The constitutionalist Justice explained that the “horrible shooting spree in Las Vegas in 2017 did not change the statutory text or its meaning.”

Every encroachment on the Second Amendment is a threat to Americans’ God-given, natural right to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their property.

And no freedom-loving American should ever stay silent, much less support any effort to shred their Second Amendment rights – regardless of which “side” or politician pushes it.

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.