Kamala Harris is blowing a fuse as Democrats quietly begin move to replace her with Hillary Clinton

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Speculation has swirled throughout this year over the idea that Democrats could replace Kamala Harris on their 2024 Presidential ticket due to her historically low approval ratings.

With just over four months until Election Day the Democrat Vice President thought she had avoided such a fate.

But Kamala Harris is blowing a fuse as Democrats quietly begin their move to replace her with Hillary Clinton.

Biden’s new transition plan

When President Joe Biden originally ran for office in 2020, he explicitly said he viewed himself as a “transition candidate,” leading many to believe he would only serve one term in office before passing the torch to Democrats’ next candidate of choice.

As The Atlantic noted in 2023, “Biden never explicitly said he would serve just one term, but multiple outlets reported that he and his advisers discussed making such a pledge.”

Some even believe that President Biden would have followed through on only seeking one term, if not for the fact that Vice President Kamala Harris has become the most unpopular Vice President in recent history.

Nevertheless, with Harris continuing to serve as the next in line to the President, Democrats are forced to continue rolling Biden out Weekend At Bernie’s style as they fully believe that a significantly diminished Biden gives them a better chance of retaining the White House than the Vice President ever could.

The only problem is, President Biden’s significant cognitive and physical decline continues to produce viral video after viral video, and Democrats and their media allies’ new strategy of simply claiming the videos are somehow “fake” isn’t having their desired effect.

As a result, the Washington Post’s token left-wing RINO, Kathleen Parker, is now offering a solution for Democrats’ conundrum.

According to Parker, Biden’s physical and cognitive decline isn’t something Democrats can simply hide from the American people at this point.

“Biden’s steady decline the past few years — his stumbles, his search for words, his occasional blank stare — has been impossible to ignore,” Parker wrote. “Such change isn’t a reflection of character; it’s part of the natural order of life, and it isn’t ageist to take note.”

But rather than ditching the 81-year-old who clearly isn’t fit for office, Parker suggested that Democrats replace Harris with former First Lady Hillary Clinton – a clear attempt to sneak the unpopular, two-time failed Presidential candidate into the White House.

“No one has mentioned her as a possible running mate for Biden far as I know, but why not replace Harris with Clinton?” Parker wrote.

Unfinished business?

The Washington Post RINO added that Clinton “might want no part of it” due to her age – not to mention past failures – but claimed “it’s hard to retire when you feel your job isn’t done.”

Hilariously, Parker went on to try to bolster her claim by suggesting that Clinton would somehow soothe voters’ fears over Biden’s fitness for office.

“If Biden needs to step down, even those who didn’t vote for Clinton would have confidence in her ability to keep the country on track,” Parker laughably claimed.

Of course, while Parker rightly pointed out that voters are hesitant to vote for Biden because his physical and cognitive decline make it more likely that his Vice President will have to take over for him, the idea that someone who has been repeatedly rejected by voters would give them “confidence” in the event she ascends to the Presidency without a single vote being cast is patently absurd.

Nevertheless, Parker isn’t the only one seemingly egging on the idea that Democrats should replace Harris with Clinton.

The left-wing elitists who attend the Tony Awards recently gave the former First Lady a raucous ovation when she appeared on stage.

Many Democrats and ruling class RINOs have never gotten over the fact that former President Donald Trump defeated Clinton in what was supposed to be her 2016 coronation.

And in their desperation to save Joe Biden’s dumpster fire of a Presidency, they are fooling themselves into believing that Hillary Clinton can save the day.