Kamala Harris just delivered a disturbing “first” with this stunt for one of her party’s biggest supporters

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Flickr

Vice President Kamala Harris just found a new way to alienate voters.

She’s showing how far past rock bottom she can go.

And she did it by making this one disgusting PR stunt.

While bragging about making history, Kamala Harris shamefully became the first Vice President in American history to visit an abortion clinic.

The stunt came in wake of a continued collapse of enthusiasm from Democrat voters.

Leftists in Minnesota, Michigan, and Washington State made a major statement to Democrat elitists when an impressive number of voters in those states’ Democrat primaries actually cast “uncommitted” votes, instead of voting for Joe Biden.

This comes in wake of Biden’s staunch refusal to support Hamas and their calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.

The number of “protest votes” was large enough in Michigan and Minnesota that if this happens in the General Election, Biden could easily lose both.

Should this happen, it would be the first time a Republican candidate for President was able to lock in both states since 1972.

A recently released Survey USA poll just indicated that Biden is only up by four points, meaning both states are much more in play than Democrats would be comfortable with admitting.

As a way to try and fire up their base and reverse course, Vice President Kamala Harris made way to Minnesota where she stopped at a Planned Parenthood facility.

This was the first time an elected Vice President has ever visited an abortion mill

At her visit, Harris echoed the insanely bogus claim that abortion is actually healthcare, despite the fact that the procedure ends the life of an innocent child.

“So, many of you have asked why am I here at this at – this facility, in particular,” started Vice President Harris. “And I will tell you, it is because, right now in our country, we are facing a very serious health crisis.”

“And the crisis is affecting many, many people in our country, most of whom are, frankly, silently suffering after the United States Supreme Court took a constitutional right that had been recognized from the people of America, from the women of America,” continued Harris.

“In states around our country, extremists have proposed and passed laws that have denied women access to reproductive healthcare. And the stories abound.”

With Democrats desperately struggling to find an issue to rally on, they unsurprisingly landed on abortion once more.

With the crisis at the southern border only worsening, and rampant inflation continuing to skyrocket, it is obvious that they have nothing more positive to build their campaign on.

Making matters worse is the fact that the world is being burned to the ground as civilization plummets ever closer to a nuclear apocalypse.

Joe Biden clearly lacks any solid record of achievement to rally around, which is why Democrats are resorting to bringing out their 2022 playbook – which revolves around manufacturing outrage through their abortion lies.

Vice President Harris continued to falsely accuse Republicans of denying women access to healthcare by shuttering the doors of abortion clinics.

Considering that these radical Leftists claim that abortion only makes up a small percentage out of all services that Planned Parenthood provides, they could easily stay open if they stopped performing abortions.

They would be able to provide breast cancer screenings and other services to the benefit of women, and there would be zero controversy around the organization.

But that clearly is not a viable option.

The reality is that Planned Parenthood stands to lose everything if they give up abortion, because that is the lifeblood to their organization.

This did not stop Kamala Harris from repeating that age old lie, however.

“So, I’m here at this healthcare clinic to uplift the work that is happening in Minnesota as an example of what true leadership looks like, which is to understand it is only right and fair that people have access to the healthcare they need and that they have access to healthcare in an environment where they are treated with dignity and respect,” said the Vice President.

“So, to have laws in states that have caused clinics like this to shut down so that women have no access within any reasonable distance of where they live to get this vital care that is necessary to address their health needs and concerns,” she continued.

Harris’ remarks did not fall short of making some extremely offensive claims about abortion.

She claims that abortion is completely about money, diminishing the value of human life to nothing more than a mere “financial decision.”

“You know, the majority of women who receive an abortion are mothers,” informed Harris. “God help her that she’s got affordable childcare.”

“If she is working, God help her, she’s got paid family leave so she can figure out how is she going to get to the place that will provide her the care she needs,” concluded Joe Biden’s Vice President.

Harris claims that she is merely pushing for paid family leave, while instituting socialized childcare but she would still be trashing Republicans even if they did come out in support of those schemes.

That’s because Harris’ visit has far less to do with those things than it does with pushing for abortion-on-demand up until the moment of birth – something that has seemingly become one of the most sacred pillars of radical leftist ideology.