Karine Jean-Pierre’s cowardly response to Hunter Biden’s conviction will leave you shaking your head in disgust

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Karine Jean-Pierre has certainly had her share of embarrassing moments as Joe Biden’s top propagandist.

This time, she apparently thought a new strategy was in order.

But Karine Jean-Pierre’s cowardly response to Hunter Biden’s conviction will leave you shaking your head in disgust.

White House put a lid on press briefing and sent Karine Jean-Pierre scurrying into hiding following guilty verdict

Last summer, the Biden Department of Justice’s efforts to gift President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, with the ultimate sweetheart plea deal – one that would keep him from avoiding jail time while also providing him an unprecedented level of immunity from any future prosecutions for those and any other crimes he possibly committed – were thwarted by a federal judge.

Without the protection of his father’s weaponized justice system, Hunter was recently convicted on three charges for lying about being actively addicted to crack cocaine on federal background check forms while attempting to purchase a firearm in Delaware in 2018.

And despite repeatedly attempting to defend and cover for President Biden’s son, the Biden regime chose to cancel the White House’s daily briefing to ensure Biden Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre didn’t make matters any worse than they already were.

As expected, Democrats’ media allies rushed to defend the Biden regime’s decision to cancel the briefing in light of Hunter’s conviction.

CNN’s Kate Bedingfield, who also happens to be Biden’s former White House Communications Director, claimed that it was merely standard procedure for every administration to cancel press briefings on days in which the President speaks publicly – an obviously hilarious insinuation that the cancelation had nothing to do with Hunter’s conviction.

“It‘s not uncommon to cancel the briefing after the President gives a significant set of remarks,” Bedingfield claimed.

The former Biden Communications Director went on to suggest that the Biden regime should be given a free pass for avoiding the scrutiny that would come with a post-conviction briefing as the regime’s top goal throughout the day is to merely get their media allies to cover what they want the American people to know.

Biden White House allies do all they can to bury and spin the bad news

“I mean, your aim during the day is to try to get the press to cover the things you want them to cover. So, when the President goes out, gives a speech like that on an issue where that is meaningful to him, where he’s got a lot to talk about, where he’s laid out the accomplishments of his administration, by the way, bipartisan successes, that he’s had in his administration — you want the focus to be there,” Bedingfield concluded.

Fortunately, though, Republican strategist Shermichael Singleton was also on CNN at the time, and he proceeded to call out Bedingfield’s nonsensical talking points.

“I love my dear friend Kate here, but we know why it was canceled,” Singleton said. “Because they don’t want to deal with questions about the verdict, I understand that, and it’s okay to say, ‘Look, this is a difficult time for the President right now. We haven’t had the opportunity to digest all of this thing, we’ll get back to you guys the next day.’ Just be transparent.”

Coincidentally, the speech Biden gave on the day his son was convicted on gun charges was to the radical anti-Second Amendment group Everytown USA.

Even more maddening is the fact that Biden spent the entire speech railing about the need to shred the Second Amendment by completely disarming every law-abiding American, while his son is planning to appeal his conviction by claiming that the law that was the basis for his charges is an unconstitutional violation of his Second Amendment rights.

Obviously, Biden undoubtedly supports his son’s appeal claim, and will cheer him on in his efforts to have the law he was convicted under deemed unconstitutional.

And all the while, he’ll continue to push for law-abiding, working-class Americans to be stripped of the exact Second Amendment right his son is technically fighting for.

As always with the ruling-class elites, it’s rules for thee, but not for me.

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.