Liz Cheney went off the rails after this brutal wake-up call

Liz Cheney went out on the campaign trail for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Photo by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Public Domain, via Flickr

There are no lengths ruling class elites like Liz Cheney won’t go in order to maintain any semblance of relevancy and power in American politics.

Even if it means making a total fool out of themselves.

And Liz Cheney went off the rails after this brutal wake-up call.

Neocons are all-in on Kamala

After failing to secure the momentum in the closing weeks of the Presidential race – as Democrats predicted she’d do with her post-Democratic National Convention and Presidential debate bumps in polling – Vice President Kamala Harris’ handlers are starting to panic.

They see the same polls that Americans are seeing, which seem to indicate that while the race is still going to come down to the wire, former President Donald Trump is starting to gain momentum at exactly the right time.

That reality is forcing the Kamala campaign’s hand, causing them to make moves they would have never previously made – and it’s likely backfiring all the same.

One such move is Kamala’s full embrace of Never-Trump, neocon RINOs, like disgraced former Congresswoman Liz Cheney, who the Democrat Presidential candidate recently campaigned alongside in the battleground state of Wisconsin.

At a recent event in Ripon, Wisconsin – the city in which the Republican Party was founded in 1854 – Kamala praised Cheney for supposedly being one of the GOP’s “finest” so-called “leaders.”

“We are gathered here today, in Ripon, not far, as the Congresswoman mentioned, from a small building where the Republican Party was born in 1854,” Kamala said while once again reading from a teleprompter. “Liz Cheney stands in the finest tradition of its leaders.”

Unsurprisingly, the disgraced Congresswoman used the event as yet another opportunity to bash Trump while spewing Democrats’ talking points on January 6 yet again.

But while it does make sense on paper for the Democrat Presidential candidate to be reaching out to neocon RINOs who oppose Trump in such a tight race, as The Daily Signal’s Rob Bluey recently pointed out, her embrace of Cheney may very well blow up in Kamala’s face.

During an interview with NewsNation, Bluey pointed out that Trump was likely aided by Kamala’s embrace of Cheney because the overwhelming majority of Americans from all walks of life deeply despise her entire family.

“I think this helps Trump,” Bluey explained. “Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney are among the two least popular politicians in all of America.”

“Frankly, I’m shocked that Kamala Harris would want to be seen in public with her,” he added. “Dick Cheney left office as one of the, again, most unpopular vice presidents given the actions that he took while in office.”

A big mistake?

In the 15 years between former Vice President Dick Cheney being elected alongside former President George W. Bush in 2000 and Trump’s entry into politics in 2015, Democrats hated no Republican in history more than Cheney.

In fact, many Democrats would have gone so far as to claim that Cheney was the literal embodiment of evil, right up until Trump defeated former First Lady Hillary Clinton.

But much like his daughter, the former Vice President has rejected Trump, largely due to his opposition to the neocon’s endless wars agenda that Cheney helped bring to life.

And because Democrats are so desperate to defeat Trump, they’ve tossed all their past criticisms of Cheney aside to suddenly embrace him as some sort of noble statesman – the same people who would’ve called him a “war criminal” for the exact neocon agenda Democrats now can’t get enough of.

“Republicans wanted nothing to do with [Dick Cheney], and now for some reason, the Democrats are embracing him,” Bluey noted. “I frankly just don’t get it.”

“I don’t see what they have in common with the Democratic Party other than they apparently want to have these endless wars and perpetuate this neoconservative philosophy that the American people have roundly rejected,” he added.

Neither Liz nor Dick Cheney have much of any credibility or goodwill built up with Republican voters, much less independents.

It’s only ruling class neocons who continue to pretend as though the Cheneys have any relevance in modern American politics, especially with the political realignment that seems to be underway this election cycle.

But because the Cheneys are all-in on the ruling class’ neocon, America Last agenda, they’re also all-in on Team Kamala.

And no matter how hard Kamala Harris tries, her embrace of Liz and Dick Cheney won’t help her pull any actual Republican and Independent votes away from Donald Trump.

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.