Merrick Garland was spitting mad after Republicans delivered him this bad news

Senate Democrats, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland has served faithfully as the Biden administration’s attack dog.

He has gone after the Democrats’ political opponents and used the DOJ to arrest, prosecute, and jail them.

But Merrick Garland was spitting mad after Republicans delivered him this bad news.

Joe Biden has escalated Barack Obama’s weaponization and politicization of the Executive Branch to dangerous new levels.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice has investigated parents protesting at school board meetings, persecuted and prosecuted pro-life advocates, and locked people up for posting funny online memes.

Garland and the Democrats circling the wagons around Joe Biden

Garland also shielded Biden from embarrassment and possible criminal action by refusing to release the audio tapes of Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

Hur made the bizarre recommendation that Biden not be prosecuted on the grounds that Biden was an old man with a bad memory, a characterization that infuriated Democrats and their corporate media cheerleaders.

Some talking heads even called for Hur himself to be investigated.

While transcripts of Biden’s rambling interview have been released, House Republicans want copies of the actual video tapes.

Garland refused, and the Republican majority voted 216-207 to hold him in contempt of Congress.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) commented, “It is up to Congress – not the Executive Branch – to determine what materials it needs to conduct its own investigations, and there are consequences for refusing to comply with lawful Congressional subpoenas.”

Infuriating double standard as Democrats remain above the law

Former Trump advisors Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon were both held in contempt of Congress for refusing to answer subpoenas from the January 6 House Select Committee.

Navarro went to prison, and Bannon is scheduled to report to prison on July 1.

However, when former Barack Obama Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress for stonewalling the Fast & Furious gun-running investigation, nothing happened to him.

And nothing will happen to Garland, either.

In the new regime only Republicans go to jail for contempt of Congress.

Prior to the vote, Speaker Johnson said, “We can’t allow the Department of Justice, an executive branch agency, to hide information from Congress. We have important oversight responsibilities, and that is what is being pursued here.”

Democrats can stonewall investigations and “lose” important documents, but never suffer any real consequences.

Meanwhile, Republicans like Navarro and Bannon are getting marched off to jail cells for doing exactly what Holder and Graland have done.

Garland responded to the contempt vote by saying that it was “deeply disappointing that this House of Representatives has turned a serious congressional authority into a partisan weapon.”

Of course, that is exactly what Garland did when he withheld the Biden tapes for partisan reasons.

He does not want Americans to hear the tape of Biden sounding befuddled and lost because it would pierce the Democrats’ narrative that the President is sharp as a tack behind closed doors.

Garland added, “Today’s vote disregards the constitutional separation of powers, the Justice Department’s need to protect its investigations, and the substantial amount of information we have provided to the Committees. . .I will always stand up for this Department, its employees, and its vital mission to defend our democracy.”

This shows how concerned Democrats are about the 2024 election.

They have to protect Biden at all costs in hopes that the American people won’t notice he is in clear cognitive decline.

And the rule of law and the Constitution are just irritants to Garland who will destroy them both to get his way.