Much like her husband, Michelle Obama has been built up by Democrats and self-proclaimed “journalists” as some sort of model human who can do no wrong.
As such she’s been allowed to get away with pushing all sorts of propaganda narratives without ever having to deal with any of the blowback.
But now Michelle Obama is realizing that she made a grave miscalculation with her latest attempted attack on Donald Trump.
The pot calling the kettle black
Despite all of the “joy” and other positive buzzwords Democrats attempted to portray throughout the Democrat National Convention, the entire event was nothing more than a hate-filled pilloring of former President Donald Trump and the tens of millions of Americans who support him.
Unsurprisingly, much of their character assassination attacks centered on debunked claims about the former President supposedly being a “racist,” and other played out tropes.
But while she certainly took part in her fair share of Democrats’ typical anti-Trump babble, former First Lady Michelle Obama decided to take things a step further.
She took aim at Trump’s self-evident reputation as a successful businessman, claiming that the was somehow a failure despite the fact that his father gave him a relatively small startup loan in comparison to the vast, multi-billion dollar real estate empire he ultimately built in one of the most competitive and cut-throat real estate markets in the world.
“Kamala has shown her allegiance to this nation, not by spewing anger and bitterness, but by living a life of service and always pushing the doors of opportunity open to others,” Obama ranted. “She understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth.”
In hindsight, Obama should have just stopped there, but her hubris – fueled by over a decade and a half of fawning from Democrats and their media allies – led her astray.
She proceeded to tell the crowd that after coming from a middle class background, her parents were “suspicious of folks who took more than they needed,” implying that the former President’s wealth is merely ill-gotten gains.
.@MichelleObama says her parents were "suspicious of folks who took more than they needed."
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 21, 2024
And yet, at no point throughout her hate-fueled rant against Trump did she ever stop to consider just how big of a hypocrite she truly is.
The Obamas’ vast fortune
Thanks entirely to the country and capitalistic system she despises with every fiber of her being, the Obamas have amassed a net worth of over $70 million since her husband left office.
Netflix alone is paying them a reported total of $50 million to merely attach their names as no-show producers for various left-wing propaganda films the streaming service puts out.
She and her husband were paid an additional $25 million to simply host a couple of podcasts for Spotify – a deal the streaming platform didn’t renew after it proved to be a total waste of money.
And as The New York Post, Daily Mail, and others have reported, the Obamas each charge upwards of $750,000 – if not more – for one hour speeches they give around the world.
None of that even includes the millions they’ve been paid to write books, endorse products, and sit on corporate boards.
After all, it takes quite a bit of annual income in order to fly on private jets back and forth to your families’ multi-million dollar homes in Hawaii, Chicago, and Martha’s Vineyard.
Despite Michelle Obama's race and class-baiting, need I remind everyone she is VERY rich living in a $12 million dollar home in 97% white Martha's Vineyard!
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) August 21, 2024
Put simply, the Obamas are the very embodiment of the generational wealth, excess, and privilege she has frequently railed against.
And with her attacks on Donald Trump, all Michelle Obama really did was expose herself as a political parasite who continues to leech off the system her and her fellow ruling class elites rigged against working class Americans.