Mitch McConnell vowed to go out with a bang as he issues this final threat to Donald Trump

Donald Trump couldn’t help but laugh when the RINO Kentucky Senator issued this entirely predictable threat on his way out the door.

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Joe Biden entered retirement.  

There are still plenty in the Washington, D.C. political class evidently suffering from cognitive and physical decline, however.

But now Mitch McConnell has vowed to go out with a bang as he issues this final threat to Donald Trump.

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

For over 40 years now, 83-year-old Senator Mitch McConnell (RINO-KY) has lived off American taxpayers while actively working against the interests of the working class.

In that time, he’s become the epitome of a “Republican In Name Only (RINO),” constantly making all sorts of promises throughout his seven Senate campaigns while actively doing the exact opposite once he secured re-election.

Just over the past few years, he worked hand-in-hand with former President Joe Biden and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to keep America’s borders wide open, fund Democrats’ inflation-inducing socialist spending spree, violate Americans’ Constitutional rights, and keep the military industrial complex and foreign policy establishment fat and happy while our own nation crumbled around us.

And while he has finally acquiesced his role as Senate Republicans’ supposed “leader,” he’s still clinging to his Senate seat while occupying the Chair of the powerful Senate Rules Committee – all while being completely incapable of traversing a set of stairs under his own power, and often totally freezing in the middle of public remarks as if his brain stopped functioning.

But McConnell has recently announced that this will be his final term in the Senate, although it won’t come to an end for nearly two more years.

“I will not seek that honor an eighth time,” McConnell recently announced from the floor of the Senate. “My current term in the Senate will be my last.”

Unsurprisingly, though, he also used the occasion to declare his intention to fight President Donald Trump at every turn when it comes to reforming the neocon foreign policy agenda the U.S. government has deployed for decades under warmongers like McConnell.

You see, as one of the military industrial complex and foreign policy establishment’s biggest shills, Senator McConnell is of the opinion that America simply hasn’t gone far enough in being the world’s police throughout the past few decades of the neocon era, which has resulted in thousands upon thousands of American casualties and more than $36 trillion in debt.

“Thanks to Ronald Reagan’s determination, the work of strengthening America’s hard power was well underway when I arrived in the Senate, but since then, we’ve allowed that power to atrophy,” McConnell declared.

“And today, a dangerous world threatens to outpace the work of rebuilding it. So lest any of our colleagues still doubt my intentions for the remainder of my term, I have some unfinished business to attend to in our work,” McConnell added.

Doubling down on failure

Apparently, McConnell is under the impression that the more than 100 regime change operations the U.S. government has engaged in since World War II – virtually none of which have produced anything positive for America or the world at large – simply aren’t enough.

And his “unfinished business” seems to be nothing more than a threat that he’ll try to flex his establishment muscle to stop President Trump’s efforts to broker an end to the neocon’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and ensure that hundreds of billions more of your tax dollars continue flowing into one of the most corrupt countries in Europe while sentencing hundreds of thousands more young Ukrainian and Russian men to death.

“The Senate is still equipped for work of great consequence, and to the disappointment of my critics – our critics – I’m still here on the job,” McConnell added smugly.

But are you really “still here,” Mitch? Or are your unelected lackeys – many of whom are undoubtedly working tirelessly to obtain future employment in the military-industrial complex or other powerful, elitist lobby once you finally retire – simply playing the role of Geppetto to your Pinocchio?

Obviously, the answers to these questions are rather self-evident.

After all, McConnell has become the poster boy for term limits as he’s no longer able to maneuver around the Capitol without the assistance of an aide and a wheelchair.

And that doesn’t even touch on the issues he has getting through basic speeches his lackeys write for him.

Put simply, the 2026 election and the end of Mitch McConnell’s Senate career can’t possibly come soon enough.

And when it does, Americans should very much treat it as a national holiday.

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