Nancy Pelosi uttered one line about Trump supporters that will leave you slack-jawed

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr

Remember when Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters “a basket of deplorables” during the 2016 Presidential election?

It seems as though Nancy Pelosi just made a similar mistake.

And Nancy Pelosi just uttered one line about Trump supporters that will leave you slack-jawed.

Pelosi stepped in it with this appearance on Anderson Cooper

As President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign continues to spin its tires, Democrats and their media allies are frantically searching for a message that will resonate with voters and close the gap to former President Donald Trump in polling.

The only problem is, re-election campaigns’ messages have always revolved around the incumbent President’s accomplishments or redeeming qualities.

But of course, Biden has no such accomplishments or redeeming qualities to speak of.

Therefore, with their lawfare strategy also failing, they’ve simply decided to throw all of their Big Lies against Trump against the wall in the hope that something sticks.

Case in point, CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently attempted to revive their Big Lie that Trump somehow orchestrated a “deadly insurrection” in which a tiny fraction of his supporters would somehow overthrow the entire U.S. government by simply walking around the Capitol on January 6.

Cooper whined that the former President has called those imprisoned on January 6 – many of which were reportedly barred from exercising basic Constitutional rights despite their only actual offense being their presence at the Capitol that day – “political prisoners,” and asked Pelosi how should would feel to see Trump pardon some of those individuals.

Unsurprisingly, Rep. Pelosi claimed that the idea of such pardons is “very sick,” before going on to rather openly slander the tens of millions of Americans who support Trump as gullible idiots.

“Well, I think it’s very sick,” Pelosi claimed. “You know, I always like to quote our National Anthem that we have to ‘Prove through the night that our flag is still there,’ and we have to prove through all this difficulty of all the misrepresentations that he is putting forth.”

Pelosi learned nothing from the McCarthy hearings of the 1950s

“It’s really sad that people even fall for that but the fact is we have to prove our flag is still there by showing the difference,” she added. “We talk about honoring our first responders, our men and women in uniform. Yes, let’s do that. Let’s not praise and call warriors, people who attacked them. Well over 100 law enforcement people were injured that day, some died because of that.”

Of course, no law enforcement or first responders died because of January 6 – Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick passed away on January 7 after suffering two strokes that Washington, D.C.’s chief medical examiner declared were the result of natural causes.

In fact, the only person who did die on January 6 was Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt, who was fatally shot by law enforcement.

But none of those facts are going to stop Democrats and their media allies from repeating their falsehoods.

After all, they continue to blame the events of January 6 on Trump in spite of the fact that previously-buried video shot by Pelosi’s own daughter during the events of January 6 recently emerged, and exposed the fact that the then-Speaker of the House clearly stated, “I take responsibility,” for what was transpiring.

Fortunately though, working class Americans from all walks of life are seeing through their lies.

And that’s causing Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats to simply lash out in a way that’s just going to end up making things worse for them in the end.

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.