Sunday, February 16, 2025

One bone-chilling tactic by government agents is going to be stopped dead in its tracks by Donald Trump

Barack Obama started one heinous practice with federal goons that the Donald Trump administration must do something about.

The federal government has weaponized against ordinary citizens. 

What happens in Washington, D.C. would be a nightmare to the Founders. 

And one-bone chilling tactic by government agents is going to be stopped dead in its tracks by Donald Trump.

Trump nominee argues against an armed EPA

Armed federal agents aren’t confined to law enforcement agencies like the FBI, DEA, and Border Patrol. 

73 federal agencies have become militarized with armed agents using military equipment who can make arrests. 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) spends millions of dollars on guns, ammunition, and gear. 

Trump’s nominee for EPA administrator Lee Zeldin was asked about armed raids by EPA agents during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) asked about the EPA’s history of armed raids in Alaska under former Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden. 

 “The Biden administration has done these raids on small mechanic shops in Alaska. They bring up EPA agents from all over the country, 30 armed agents kicking in doors in mechanic shops in Alaska,” Sullivan explained. “By the way, my state believes in the Second Amendment, most of my state is armed, this is very dangerous because some of these agents could get shot when they’re coming in.”

Armed EPA agents were raiding mechanics in Alaska using SWAT-team-style tactics to look for violations of the Clean Water Act. 

Sullivan noted that the EPA didn’t kick in people’s doors with armed agents during the Trump administration. 

“Do you believe the EPA should even have armed agents?” Sullivan asked. “Can I get your commitment to focus on compliance, civil compliance, as opposed to kicking in doors, assault rifles, helicopters? It’s crazy. It’s really outrageous, and it happens under Democrats.”

Zeldin called the raids outrageous and wondered how anyone would authorize them. 

He argued that the EPA should work with businesses to resolve situations. 

Obama’s EPA overruns Alaskan mining town 

Sullivan recalled another instance under Obama where overzealous EPA agents raided a small Alaskan mining town for Clean Water Act violations. 

“The Obama administration, what they do is, they come in with giant, heavily armed agents, body armor, helicopters. It’s shocking,” Sullivan said. “We had a raid on some plaster miners in a place called Chicken, Alaska, under President Obama. Over 30 armed agents, body armor, to do what? To do with compliance with the Clean Water Act. They didn’t find one violation. They scared the hell out of the miners.”

Chicken, Alaska has a population of 17 people. 

“Senator, it is outrageous that story that you told, and Senator Murkowski shared with me as well, with regards to Chicken, Alaska,” Zeldin replied. “It led me, as somebody who is going through this transition, to be asking questions as to how did that even get authorized, who signs off on it, what is the standards that need to be met in order to even say yes to an operation like that.”

Virtually every agency of the federal government has its own paramilitary force used for law enforcement. 

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