Speaker Mike Johnson just royally betrayed Donald Trump with this one terrible move

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Republican House Speaker has spent the good part of his term treading on thin ice.

And now there may be no going back. 

After conservatives saw this royal betrayal of Donald Trump and his supporters, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) may be done.

GOP House Speaker may have guaranteed a huge victory to President Joe Biden 

Abandoning conservatives once again, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) just delivered a huge victory to President Joe Biden and the ‘swamp’ while simultaneously stabbing Donald Trump right in the back.

He just introduced a new piece of legislation that would extend Section 702 of the FISA Act.

This provision allows the federal government to spy on American citizens without the requirement of a warrant.

This FISA program is the same one that allowed the Deep State to spy on former President Donald Trump’s campaign throughout the 2016 Presidential election.

But instead of standing with freedom and the rule of law, Speaker Johnson abandoned these basic American principles by signing off on Democrats weaponizing the justice system against their political opponents.

This warrantless wiretapping program is clearly unconstitutional, but apparently that made no difference to Mike Johnson.

In the House, there were two proposals designed to effectively reform this illegal power grab, but Speaker Johnson went out of his way to kill the proposals.

Johnson did not hesitate to strip out a provision which enabled the purchase of communications by Americans through third-party data brokers by the Deep State.

Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH) immediately called out Speaker Johnson for his support of Deep State operatives trampling the Constitution in order to spy on individual Americans.

“It’s disappointing to watch Speaker Johnson, who was a strong defender of essentially the same bills… when he was a member of the Judiciary Committee, now as Speaker essentially has crossed all the way over to the intel point of view,” complained Congressman Davidson.

The Congressman noted that Speaker Johnson actually ran a stealth campaign in order to destroy the reforms.

He claimed that the Speaker was trying to keep any connection between him and this power grab by Joe Biden’s FBI, which they use to spy on Trump supporters.

“They essentially want to concede that, ‘okay, we allowed the debate to happen – but we are working very aggressively to make sure it doesn’t become law,’” added the Ohio Congressman.

Speaker Johnson had, also, blocked a proposed amendment to the 702 reauthorization that would have effectively required government officials to at least obtain a warrant before they could spy on Americans.

“It seems the Speaker has a plan to tank that as well,” continued Davidson. “What it’s designed to do is to kill the entire reform effort.”

Crossing over to the “intel point of view” could come at a cost

Speaker Johnson seems to have not taken into consideration that he could very well lose the Speaker of the House role with this move.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has already made a motion to vacate the chair, the same motion that removed the previous Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

The motion by Greene only requires the support of one more House Republican to effectively kick Johnson out of the Speaker’s office.

Greene has not yet called for a vote on her motion, however.

She did make a recent social media post calling out Speaker Johnson for his egregiously terrible position that sides him with the ‘Swamp.’

Greene accused Johnson of siding with President Joe Biden, allowing him to continue weaponizing government resources against political opponents while refusing to do anything to address the worsening border crisis.

“And they will put pressure on all of us to vote for it by saying ‘an unknown number of terrorists are in America, we can’t allow another 9-11!’ wrote Representative Greene. “Yet they do NOTHING to secure the border.”

“If they really cared about our safety, border security would be the most important issue on both sides of the aisle. Warrantless spying is wrong. And actually they don’t need FISA to go after terrorists who have come across our border because the constitution does not apply to them, they aren’t citizens,” continued Greene.

“FISA has been abused by our government to spy on hundreds of thousands of Americans, and I don’t trust our government to stop abusing FISA. I’ll go ahead and give you my vote, it’s a NO to FISA reauthorization without warrants,” concluded the Georgia Republican.

It is becoming more clear every day that conservatives are growing extremely frustrated with Speaker Johnson, and his betrayal of conservative values.

It is evidence that Johnson is more interested in delivering monstrous victories for President Joe Biden by expanding his administration’s ability to spy on Americans and targeting Donald Trump.

This move could become the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back, pushing conservative House Republicans to support Greene’s motion to vacate the chair and disposing of Johnson’s House Speakership.