Stephen Colbert crossed a dangerous red line that has Americans fuming

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

The current slate of late-night talk show hosts is absolutely abhorrent.

Legends like Johnny Carson, David Letterman and Jay Leno used to dominate television with their class acts.

But Stephen Colbert just crossed a dangerous red line that has Americans fuming.

The collapse of late-night television

When late-night TV was at its peak, hosts like Johnny Carson would spare no political side from his jokes and roasts.

Nobody was safe from the fire that Carson brought, and it was always to everyone’s amusement.

But today, late-night television has been reduced to platforms for the Democrat Party.

So-called “comedians” like Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, Trevor Noah, James Corden and Samantha Bee have decided to hang-up the jokes to make room for radical Left political lectures.

Their shows have just become tools used to attack Republicans, making them the fool in every joke – especially Donald Trump.

When Democrats like President Joe Biden, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and even Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) are featured, they are always guaranteed softball interviews.

Biden’s Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg was even allowed to guest host a show at one point.

But their new formula for late-night content has clearly struck a chord with viewers.

Ratings for these shows have absolutely plummeted compared to the good old days, and they seem to show no glimmer of hope for the wildly liberal hosts.

As if they’ve become the punch lines of their own jokes, Breitbart News reported that the ad revenue that comes from shows like Colbert’s and his Leftist friends has freefalled 41% over the last five years.

Vivvix, an ad spending tracker, was able to determine that the top late-night shows on these major networks and Comedy Central were able to rake in over just under $700 million in advertising back in 2018.

Just five years later, however, they could only manage a meager $412 million.

The estimated losses in ad revenue was close to $285 million annually.

But they clearly do not care what the ratings say about their quality of content.

And nobody made that more clear than CBS’ The Late Show host, Stephen Colbert, who stoked the political flames once more by cheering on President Joe Biden’s weaponization of the government to politically persecute his rivals.

Trump’s show trial built on bogus charges

“Mother Teresa couldn’t beat these charges!” was Donald Trump’s response after receiving the perfectly engineered jury instructions to a group of 12 New York residents.

The jury was constructed of people who reside in one of the deepest, darkest blue areas on the map of the United States, which essentially locked in the conviction from the start.

The very moment that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg received the go-ahead call on his case against the former President and presumptive Republican nominee, Trump’s fate in court was sealed.

The “election interference” charges alleged by Bragg came from an alleged “business document change” which did not even happen until months well after the election that was claimed to be impacted even took place.

And the “offense” under review revolved around the payment to somebody to not talk about you publicly, or what the media calls “hush money,” is entirely not illegal.

The case was so absurd that in order to avoid compliance to the state’s statute of limitations for reviewing incidents like this, Bragg invented his own charges that he does not legally have the jurisdiction to cover.

But sustaining the conviction was never the ultimate plan.

Democrats just needed the headlines post-conviction so they could send off their allies in the media, including late-night talk show hosts like Stephen Colbert, to rally applause for the Democrat’s weaponization of the justice system to destroy the republic.

Colbert’s case of TDS has grown significantly worse

In his very first monologue after Trump’s bogus conviction, Colbert did not waste a second to trash on Donald Trump.

Colbert showed off his “Countdown to Sentencing Advent Calendar” where he retrieved a celebratory cocktail.

He even made fun of Trump’s claim that “if they could do this to me, they could do it to anyone” by claiming that it was a “meltdown.”

“It would be tough for the public?” Colbert started. “Actually, I happen to have a large number of the public here. Hey, public, what do you all think of Trump going to jail?”

As if a dogkeeper shouted “speak,” the entire audience, which by now only includes radical woke New York leftists, broke into a chant to “lock him up.”

Colbert giggled like a toddler, only to start egging them all on.

But what is the argument to lock Trump up over?

The charges were so wildly manufactured that even Colbert had to resort to joking that the crime was over having sex with a porn star.

Even if the prosecution could make the case that these events took place in a politically-neutral courtroom, neither incident is a crime.

And the charges that the New York City jury actually settled on conviction of falsifying documents, only results in jail time in extremely rare, unusual situations – none of which are close to this trial.

But the facts mean nothing to Colbert.

He and the rest of this new slate of late-night so-called “comedians” are only interested in one thing – throwing Trump in jail for being in the wrong political party.

But Colbert doesn’t care. 

He wants Trump behind bars simply for having different political positions than him. 

And in the same breadth, they will argue that they are saving democracy.