Supreme Court Justices have their eyes on this rural state

Outcome of this one ballot initiative could change the Supreme Court forever.

Photo by Mr. Kjetil Ree., CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The biggest threat to the future of our nation is that Democrats will eliminate the Senate filibuster and pack the Supreme Court.

Kamala Harris has indicated she intends to do just that.

And Supreme Court Justices have their eyes on this rural state.

All eyes on Montana

If Democrats win control of the Senate, the future of the filibuster rule is in serious jeopardy.

Arizona U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema and West Virginia U.S. Senator Joe Manchin have been run out of the Democrat Party by the radical Left.

Both still Democrats at the time, it was Manchin and Sinema who stopped the Democrat Party from using the nuclear option to permanently change Senate rules to allow legislation to be passed with a simple majority.

Both Sinema and Manchin have refused to endorse Kamala Harris after she came out in favor of eliminating the Senate filibuster.

Now another Democrat, Montana Senator Jon Tester has also refused to endorse Harris, though Tester has supported eliminating the filibuster in the past.

Tester is in the fight for his political life this year.

A poll conducted by AARP showed Tester’s Republican opponent Tim Sheehy with an 8-point lead.

The Montana race has the potential to determine which party controls the Senate this year.

But Democrat operatives in Montana are looking further ahead.

Montana’s Republican Senator Steve Daines will be up in 2026, and Democrats are trying to rig the rules so they can beat him.

Democrat’s ranked voting scheme

Alaska had long been a reliably Red state.

But Democrats put forth a ballot measure to allow jungle primaries and ranked choice voting.

This led to Alaska electing a Democrat to Congress for the first time in decades, and shielded RINO Senator Lisa Murkowski off from a conservative primary challenge.

Montana will be voting on two Constitutional initiatives that could lead the state to mirror Alaska’s system.

One measure will get rid of party primaries and will have the top four candidates advance to the general election.

Candidates would not be required to list their party affiliation, and it would be legal for Democrats to even list themselves as Republican on the ballot to deceive voters.

The second initiative would require a candidate to receive a majority of the vote to win the general election.

While the measures don’t explicitly state that they implement ranked choice voting, they are a trojan horse for the scheme.

In a four-way race, it’s likely that no candidate will receive over 50% of the vote.

This will force the Montana legislature to choose between implementing ranked choice voting or going with a run-off system which will cost more taxpayer money.

Democrats have figured out they can convince voters in deep Red states to approve ranked choice voting, allowing Democrats who could never win elections under the normal plurality system to get elected.

It’s clear that ranked choice voting is nothing more than a Democrat power-play to give them a political advantage.

Montana voters would do well to look at what this scam did to Alaska, and reject the proposals.