The damning news that Donald Trump received before his debate with Joe Biden will leave you breathless

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

CNN’s debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden last week was the first for the 2024 Presidential election.

Now that it has been completed, it is hard to see a reality where the polls do not shift for Trump significantly.

This is partially due to the damning news that Donald Trump received before his debate with Joe Biden.

Joe Biden’s “Secret Sauce”

CBS’ Weijia Jiang is one of President Joe Biden’s biggest fans that work in mainstream media.

The White House Correspondent even made her cover photo on social media a picture of her and Joe Biden smiling at each other as if they were the best of friends sharing an inside joke.

And perhaps they are good friends, because in a recent CBS report, Jiang noted that Biden was actually going through some pretty intense preparation for the debate.

She said that Biden had been locked and loaded with multiple “surprises” that he planned to use while debating former President Donald Trump, while he was apparently also receiving physical treatments to keep him on his feet for the entire 90 minute debate.

“I’m told that we should expect some surprises…,” wrote Jiang. “This is such a critical performance for President Biden, not only on the content, but on his physical performance.”

Biden’s diminishing health was clearly on stage

It is not surprising to see how rough Joe Biden’s debate performance was, despite the cringe worthiness being at full strength.

Over the last few weeks, videos have repeatedly gone viral of Joe Biden getting lost wandering around the G7 conference, and the famous moment where former President Barack Obama had to rush over to assist Biden exiting a stage during a fundraising event.

There was even one clip that showed Joe Biden even requiring the significant help of his protection detail just to get into an SUV.

So Jiang’s prediction that Biden was going to surprise viewers physically on stage led to suspicion that Biden would be injecting some sort of stimulant to keep him from collapsing, physically or mentally, on stage for the late-night event.

Many of these suspicions stemmed from previous events, such as a Juneteenth party at the White House where Biden was spotted throwing back a clear plastic bottle full of an unrecognizable potion that had no label present.

Donald Trump did not hold back from poking fun at the entire situation.

During his recent Wisconsin rally, Trump joked that Biden would probably use cocaine before the debate to try and withstand the long late timeline, which is usually well past the cap established by the 81-year old President.

“Joe Biden doesn’t have a clue. Now we’re gonna watch – is anybody gonna watch the debate? He’s gonna be so pumped up, he’s gonna be pumped up,” started Trump. “You know all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the White House? What happened?”

This was about the story that ran last summer where it was discovered that there was a bag of cocaine left in a bathroom at the White House, which Trump joked that it was Joe Biden’s.

“Somebody didn’t pick up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cocaine. I wonder who that could’ve been. I don’t know. Actually, I think it was Joe,” laughed Trump.

Joe Biden has had strange moments of extra energy when he needs to deliver a long speech, however.

Sean Hannity noted that Biden appeared to be heavily “over caffeinated” during his March State of the Union Address, where the President just yelled and ranted aimlessly during the entire speech.

But the performance Joe Biden delivered at the first debate did not seem to match that energy.

That was far from the only moment that Biden struggled.  Multiple times he appeared aimless, lost, and sadly combative even over petty things like his handicap.

Donald Trump perhaps put it best responding to one exchange about the border crisis Joe Biden has overseen during his tenure in the White House.

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said, either,” Trump declared. 

So if Jiang was right about Joe Biden’s focus on physical preparation, it appears that it did not work to much degree at all.

And if performancing-enhancing drugs were a part of the prep, then Biden’s handlers are certainly going to be pulling their hair out by the roots during the long stretch out to Election Day.

It’s a scary day for Democrats when Biden’s steroids are no longer doing anything for him.