The dirty trick Joe Biden pulled just before Hunter Biden was convicted will make you sick

Office of the President of the United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

After years of being protected by his father’s fellow ruling-class elites, Hunter Biden finally got what was coming to him.

But it almost never came to pass.

And the dirty trick Joe Biden pulled just before Hunter Biden was convicted will make you sick.

Joe Biden managed to get a few words out in hopes of having his way

President Joe Biden and his entire crime family set off on a strategy just before his son, Hunter, was convicted on three counts for lying about his active drug addiction on federal background check forms while purchasing a firearm in 2018 that would make many mafia families blush.

In what could only be described as an outright intimidation tactic, President Biden himself made it a point to make an in-person visit to his late son, Beau’s, widow, Hallie, who was slated to be a key witness in the case due to the fact that she and Hunter engaged in an affair following his brother’s death.

Needless to say, had former President Donald Trump had any contact with any witness – much less a key witness – in any of the many witch hunts against him and his allies, Democrats and their media allies would be demanding he be thrown in prison for witness intimidation.

But of course, like all Democrats, Biden’s political affiliation allows him to play by a different set of rules than every other American.

Nevertheless, as the trial was set to begin, the Democrat President seemingly dropped everything to focus all of his diminishing energy on supporting his son.

Just days before his trial, Hunter flew with his father aboard Air Force One.

Worse yet, according to reports, President Biden then proceeded to leave behind the White House – and his actual job – to remain in the area the trial was taking place.

In a statement, Biden effectively admitted his focus was solely on the trial, and not the hundreds of other more important matters the Democrat President should be addressing.

“I am the President, but I am also a Dad. Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today,” Biden claimed. “Hunter’s resilience in the face of adversity and the strength he has brought to his recovery are inspiring to us.”

“As the President, I don’t and won’t comment on pending federal cases, but as a Dad, I have boundless love for my son, confidence in him, and respect for his strength,” he added.

The Bidens also tried to crank up the pressure on the largely pro-Biden jury in the family’s home state of Delaware by sending First Lady Jill Biden – who is not actually Hunter’s mother, despite Biden’s previous statement – to sit in the courtroom during the trial.

Needless to say, it was a full-court press from the Biden crime family, but one that ultimately failed miserably at saving Hunter from being held accountable for his crimes.

Of course, the verdict undoubtedly left President Biden kicking himself as his attempt to have the Biden Justice Department let Hunter off the hook scot-free by offering him a sweetheart plea deal – one that would allow him to avoid jail time and receive an unprecedented level of immunity from future prosecutions on those and any other crimes he possibly committed – was nearly successful.

Fortunately, the federal Judge overseeing the case recognized the absurdity of such a plea deal and struck it down.

As expected, despite the fact that it’s abundantly clear that Hunter’s conviction only resulted from the Biden Justice Department literally having no other option after the Judge tossed their plea deal, Democrats and their media allies have still persisted in claiming the conviction proves America’s justice system hasn’t been weaponized by Democrats.

But Biden and his regime’s actions throughout Hunter’s legal troubles, especially their efforts to intimidate witnesses, demonstrates firsthand that it’s yet another big lie.

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.