Third-party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just made a bombshell claim about his plans for November

Dllu, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s plans for 2024 have put both Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the hot seat as the primary election season comes to a close.

Kennedy, who was formerly running in the Democrat Primary against Biden, is an independent candidate for President of the United States.

Last Tuesday, Kennedy met with Neil Cavuto from Fox News for an interview where he spoke about his campaign and its viability.

In this discussion, he reassured Cavuto that he expects to qualify for the ballot in all 50 states.

Kennedy, also, didn’t hesitate to shoot down claims that he is acting as a “spoiler” for the election by stating that he is a serious candidate for President.

At this point, Cavuto drew attention to several polls that indicated that Kennedy’s presence on the ballot is likely to take support away from Biden instead of Trump.

“I mean, my intention is to hurt both of them and right now I’m beating both candidates and independent voters, and independents are the biggest party,” Kennedy told Cavuto.

“This is the first election in history where independents are the biggest voting bloc.”

Kennedy claimed internal polling is suggesting that he is beating both Joe Biden and Donald Trump in a three-way race with him running independently of the Democrat and Republican parties.

“I think we have a very good chance of winning in November,” Kennedy shared confidently.

He also took time in the interview to respond to accusations from his own family members, as well as fellow Democrats, that he is betraying their Party.

His nephew, Jack Schlossberg, has even publicly referred to Kennedy as an “embarrassment.”

In 2023, Kennedy’s sister, Rory, even spoke out against him on social media by stating, “Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision or judgment.”

Kennedy Jr. pushed back against these jabs, arguing that he is much more like his father than he receives credit for.

“If you went down the issues that my father believed and he felt strongly about, I would check every one of those boxes,” Kennedy Jr. argued.

“The same with President Kennedy. Show me an issue that they felt strongly about that I don’t agree with them on,” he continued. “So I feel like I am representing the values of the Democratic Party.”

In the interview, Kennedy said that Democrats, instead of pointing fingers at others, should take a long, hard look in the mirror instead.

That is when he claimed that he did not leave the party, but rather the party had abandoned him by running so far to the radical left.

“Maybe the party has slipped away from its traditional values,” Kennedy told Cavuto.

He then quoted his father for saying, “I don’t vote for the party, I vote for the individual.”

Kennedy concluded by noting, “[RFK and JFK] understood the dangers that George Washington warned about: partisan politics, that partisan self-interest would subsume and replace and displace patriotism and patriotic impulses.”

Democrats have routinely shot at Kennedy throughout the election cycle due to rising fears that he would take a significant amount of support from Biden, effectively giving Donald Trump greater odds of victory.

Republicans have not held back from targeting Kennedy, as well.

They are concerned that he poses a risk to Trump’s base, saying that he could be the reason Biden may get to serve another term in the White House.

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.