This Supreme Court October surprise just hit Kamala Harris like a ton of bricks

The varnish is getting peeled off and, despite still having a mathematical chance, little luster could be left on Kamala Harris’ Oval Office bid if this huge Supreme Court bombshell proves true.

Joe Ravi, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Supreme Court’s GOP-appointed majority remains a constant thorn in the side of Democrats.

The uphill slog to destroy that bulwark just got harder.

And that’s why this Supreme Court October surprise just hit Kamala Harris like a ton of bricks.

Senate GOP Caucus leader hopefuls just threw a wrench in Kamala Harris and the Democrats’ plans for the Supreme Court

Kamala Harris has big plans to complete Democrats’ takeover of American institutions by packing the Supreme Court with left-wing radicals should she be elected President.

She might not get that chance though.

After surrendering at every turn to Democrats throughout his 17 years in “leadership,” decrepit Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (RINO-KY) has announced that he’s finally stepping down from his role at the helm of the Republican Senate Caucus.

Needless to say, that’s a cause for celebration amongst working class Americans.

But as is usually the case with anything in Washington, D.C., it may be short-lived as a return to the status quo is all but assured with Senators John Thune (RINO-SD) and John Cornyn (RINO-TX) as the only two who’ve declared themselves candidates to replace McConnell as Republicans’ Senate “leader.”

No one loves sending hundreds of billions of American tax dollars to Ukraine and other foreign nations than Thune, and Cornyn has long been one of the biggest RINO proponents of amnesty in the nation.

Cornyn even helped write President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ massive gun control bill.

The Senate majority has never been more important

Nevertheless, Republicans do have the opportunity to take back the Senate this election cycle as the Party only needs to flip two Democrat-held seats to become the majority, and their candidates are currently leading in races for Democrat-held seats in West Virginia and Montana.

Meanwhile, Democrats are currently trailing in every race in which an incumbent Republican Senator is running for re-election.

Obviously, if Republicans take back the Senate majority, that would likely mean either Thune or Cornyn would become Senate Majority Leader – unless, God willing, another GOP Senator throws their hat into the “leadership” race.

As such, CNN’s Manu Raj recently asked both Thune and Cornyn if they would commit to scheduling a vote on a Supreme Court nominee put forward by Vice President Kamala Harris, if she ends up winning the Presidency and Republicans have the majority in the Senate.

But fortunately, rather than being the typical rubber stamps for Democrats’ woke agenda that both Thune and Cornyn have largely proven to be, both balked at the idea, saying that such a vote would depend on who Kamala nominates and who the nominee would be replacing.

“It depends,” Cornyn replied. “Obviously, they would have to go through the committee process, and so it would depend on that. And then I think it would also depend on who the president nominates.”

“If I’m in a position to make the decision, I’m not going to schedule a vote on some wild-eyed radical nominee, which I know she would love to nominate. But that would be my intention,” Cornyn continued.

Thune added that “we’ll cross the bridge when we come to it. But, you know, it probably depends on who it is and that’s the advantage of having a Republican Senate.”

Can RINOs be trusted?

Both appear to be taking the approach that if a President Kamala were to have the opportunity to nominate a replacement for a radical left-wing Justice, she’d have to negotiate it with a Republican Senate Majority to help ensure she chooses a more “moderate” nominee – even though there is no such thing as a “moderate” in today’s Democrat Party.

Of course, while it’s all well and good that Thune and Cornyn are saying the right things while running to replace McConnell, RINOs have a long history of saying what it takes to get elected before totally caving and stabbing the American people in the backs.

After all, the two oldest Justices on the Supreme Court are constitutionalist Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, which means they’re most likely the next to be replaced by the next President, whomever that may be.

And in such a situation as a President Kamala nominating a Justice to replace either Thomas or Alito, a Republican Senate Majority Leader – in this case, either Thune or Cornyn – would have more pressure on them to bend to the Democrat Party than ever before.

So while Thune and Cornyn’s apprehension about holding a vote on a Kamala-nominated Supreme Court Justice is a devastating blow for the Democrat Presidential nominee, it’s going to take a major effort by conservatives to ensure they stay true to their word.

Hopefully, whoever emerges as GOP Senate leader if Republicans take the majority is more reliably conservative than either Thune or Cornyn have been in the past.