Tucker Carlson nearly fainted after Mike Rowe uttered one fundamental truth

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

The world is changing rapidly.

No group is being more impacted than working class Americans.

And Tucker Carlson nearly fainted after Mike Rowe uttered one fundamental truth.

Rowe stunned Carlson with what he said about young Americans questioning the building blocks society has given them

Dirty Jobs’ Mike Rowe recently appeared on The Tucker Carlson Encounter – the former Fox News host’s new show on his Tucker Carlson Network (TCN) – and discussed the declining value of a college degree.

Rowe, of course, has spent much of his career encouraging Americans to reject the expensive four-year university route in favor of specializing in blue collar jobs, for which many are making far more income than their “educated” counterparts due to less competition and an ever-increasing need for their services.

“If you look for it, you’ll see it everywhere. It’s mind-boggling,” Rowe responded. “And this was kind of a wake-up call for me because for 15 years I’ve been talking about this deeply held belief.”

The Dirty Jobs host proceeded to point out that the overwhelming majority of the youngest Americans – also known as Gen-Z – simply no longer share adult generations’ view on the value of a college education, as they continue to see more and more college-educated Americans struggle mightily under the weight of tens of thousands of dollars, if not more, in student loan debt.

“The parents and guidance counselors are, truly believe that the best path for their kids, is this most expensive path,” Rowe added. “But the latest research. When you really sit people down and take a deep, deep dive, Gen Z right now is ranking the importance of a college education out of 50 different things at 47.”

“That seems high,” Carlson sarcastically replied.

To the dismay of the ruling class elites, Rowe insisted that younger Americans have finally caught on to the fact that student loan debt and a useless liberal arts degree aren’t the ideal building blocks for a bright, fulfilled future.

Not what it used to be

“People are starting to get the message that just because you’ve got $200,000 in debt and a nice diploma doesn’t mean the world is going to beat a pathway to your door,” Rowe said. “It doesn’t mean you’re going to get hired in your chosen field.”

But it’s not just younger generations who are discovering the truth of the four-year college scam.

Many parents and other older Americans are also starting to wake up the reality that it’s not just elite universities and other schools in Democrat-controlled cities and states that are woke indoctrination factories, but also the overwhelming majority of all colleges and universities in the country today.

Just recently, Tennessee’s Vanderbilt University saw pro-Hamas students seize control of a university building in protest of Israel’s war against the Palestinian terrorist organization, leading to their arrest and claims that law enforcement are akin to “genocidal oppressors.”

Needless to say, there are much better routes to finding success and fulfillment in life than raking up hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt and only receiving a useless precipitation trophy in return.

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.