A federal Judge dealt Kamala Harris out an October surprise for the ages

After a year of seemingly endless lawfare against former President Donald Trump, one case just had a major development that could change everything.

U.S. Secretary of Defense, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris is hoping that the endless political weaponization of the courts will hand her the Oval Office.

And Donald Trump just received some terrible news regarding one case.

Now a federal Judge has just dealt Kamala Harris out an October surprise for the ages.

Federal Judge Tanya Chutkan indicates she intends to railroad the election

Jack Smith did not waste a second to rush to one of his biggest allies, Obama-appointed Judge Tanya Chutkan, to take over his bogus January 6th show trial in Washington, D.C.

Predictably, the trial was rigged from the start.

The trial boasts a roster with a Democrat prosecutor, a Democrat Judge, and a jury stacked with Democrats from Washington, D.C., where 95 percent of the city hates Donald Trump.

The recent Supreme Court decision on Presidential immunity had suspended the case’s development while Donald Trump’s legal team tried to have the cast completely thrown out.

The 6-3 ruling by the Court had, essentially, dismantled Smith’s case from the inside out.

Seeing the odds of the case being heard before the election starting to vanish, Smith rushed to file a superseding indictment to try and manufacture a guilty verdict to try and push voters from supporting Trump.

The decision by the Supreme Court, however, just sent the case back to Judge Chutkan to determine whether or not any of the charges within the indictment were impacted by the ruling on immunity.

Chutkan decided to hold a new hearing which would determine the schedule for ruling on Trump’s claims of immunity.

Judge Chutkan, who was clearly furious that she could not host a show trial against Trump, called it an “exercise in futility” to hold the trial before Election Day.

But that, in no way, meant that she was completely giving up.

Chutkan made it very clear that she had intended to partake in her own act of election interference.

“The electoral process and the timing of the election… is not relevant here,” started Chutkan during a recent hearing. “This court is not concerned with the electoral schedule.”

Chutkan also went out of her way to dismiss the many complaints regarding the clear and obvious unfairness of the Democrat Party’s Presidential nominee for trying to tank their political opponent by hearing arguments right when the election process started to intensify.

“The subtext of your argument here about these sensitive times and the desire not to have any evidentiary briefing before this year – it strikes me that what you’re trying to do is affect the presentation of this case so as not to impinge on an election,” argued Chutkan.

Federal Judge’s ruling could change everything

The real story here is that Judge Chutkan handed Kamala Harris the greatest political gift in history.

According to Chutkan’s new schedule, she will allow Smith to submit his initial briefing over why he believes Trump is not immune by September 26.

Smith and his team have also already promised to pack up his briefing with never-before-seen testimony from the grand jury, as well as multiple exhibits to ensure that, regardless of the decision, he can generate a plentiful amount of horrible headlines for Trump and his campaign.

Making things worse is the fact that Trump will not have the ability to cross examine witnesses, or even present his own evidence to defend himself.

This is precisely how Chutkan plans to destroy Trump in the so-called “court of public opinion” in her one-sided kangaroo court.

Chutkan’s schedule also set up Smith so that he could dictate the agenda for the final week of the campaign based on the timing of when Trump’s response is due to the court, paired with the timeline allowed for Smith’s final reply.

“Trump’s response to that brief will be due Oct. 17, and his lawyers similarly promised to pack it full of new information drawn from secret grand jury transcripts and other unreleased documents,” according to a report by POLITICO.

“Smith will have the opportunity for a final reply on the presidential immunity issue Oct. 29 – one week before Election Day,” continued the report.

This bout of lawfare is building up to an October surprise for Harris, where an Obama-appointed Judge is teaming up with a Democrat prosecutor to try and make the final weeks before the election solely a referendum on the bogus charges against Donald Trump.