A top Democrat uttered a confession about Kamala Harris that has Democrats smashing the panic button

One of America’s most prominent socialist just admitted the worst thing about Vice President Kamala Harris.

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Kamala Harris’ entire Presidential campaign is built on the media-manufactured caricature Democrats have attempted to craft around her.

They know that if undecided voters learn the truth about her, their entire house of cards comes crashing down.

And now a top Democrat uttered a confession about Kamala Harris that has Democrats smashing the panic button.

Kamala Harris is not doing herself any favors

Since she first entered politics over two decades ago, Vice President Kamala Harris has served as one of the most radical left-wing politicians in America.

She cemented that status during her 2020 Presidential campaign, calling for an environmental extremist ban on fracking, the elimination of private health insurance, the decriminalization of illegal immigration, electric vehicle mandates, defunding the police, taxpayer-funded sex change operations for inmates and illegal aliens, and so much more.

But as Democrats’ Presidential nominee, she’s suddenly pretending as though she never took any of those positions in an effort to manufacture a “moderate” persona for herself.

To make matters worse, Kamala hasn’t even been the one saying she’s changed her positions, choosing instead to allow anonymous campaign staffers to send out press releases claiming she’s changed her mind without providing any context for such massive shifts.

Wouldn’t it make sense for a politician to explain how she went from calling former President Donald Trump’s border wall “racist,” to suddenly using pictures of it in her campaign ads as she claims she’ll be tougher on illegal immigration than him?

But despite Democrats and their media allies’ best efforts to keep the real Kamala under wraps, voters apparently aren’t being fooled.

According to a recent poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College Research Institute, 47% of voters believe Kamala is too left-wing to be President, while just 32% believe Trump is too conservative, giving the former President a 48% to 47% advantage nationally.

And of course, Kamala isn’t doing herself any favors, as she told CNN’s Dana Bash in her first of the only two interviews she’s given over the past two months of campaigning that while her positions on policies have changed, “my values haven’t changed.”

Kamala Harris feels the Bern

But with virtually the entire media doing her bidding, the “mainstream narrative” of who Kamala actually is likely could have overcome all of it – if it wasn’t for Senator Bernie Sanders (Socialist-VT), that is.

During a recent interview on NBC’s Meet The Press, host Kristen Welker asked Senator Sanders whether or not he still considers Kamala a “progressive” – Democrats’ codeword for woke extremist socialists – in light of all her policy flip-flops since becoming the Party’s Presidential candidate.

“You have described Kamala Harris as a progressive,” Welker said to Sanders. “She has previously supported Medicare for all, now she does not. She has previously supported a ban on fracking, now she does not. These, Senator, are ideas that you have campaigned on. Do you think she is abandoning her progressive ideals?”

Without missing a beat, the 83-year-old self-proclaimed socialist Senator fully confessed that Kamala is still very much as radical left-wing as she’s ever been, but is merely being “pragmatic” by hiding her true self from voters in order to win the election.

“No, I don’t think she’s abandoning her ideals,” Sanders admitted. “I think she’s trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election. My own view is slightly different. I think that in America today there are a lot of people, rural people, working-class people who no longer believe that the United States Congress and government represents their interests, who are dominated by big-money interests.”

With polls indicating that the 2024 election is seemingly one of the closest in recent memory, the race is largely going to come down to whether voters buy Kamala Harris’ media-manufactured “moderate” persona, or learn the truth about who she really is.

And Bernie Sanders just went a long way towards helping Donald Trump expose who she really is to voters.