J.D. Vance just trampled all over the one big lie Kamala Harris needed to win

NBC’s Kristen Welker tried to parrot the Harris campaign lie and instantly witnessed Donald Trump’s running mate bludgeon it to death.

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Democrats and their media allies burn with desire to shovel nothing but depictions of Kamala and her Kama-nist pals’ manufactured stage production into voters’ heads.

Her whole pitch for the White House hinges on selling a “moderate” image to distract from her record.

But J.D. Vance just trampled all over the one big lie Kamala Harris needed to win.

The big lie the media must sell for Kamala Harris

The dichotomy between the corporate-controlled media’s coverage of the Republican and Democrat Presidential candidates has never been more stark and apparent than it is today.

While Democrats’ media allies have put Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Democrat Governor Tim Walz, on a pedestal and pretend they’re the greatest Presidential ticket in American history, they’re simultaneously pushing as many character assassination attacks as possible against former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH).

Self-proclaimed “journalists” have completely abandoned their decades-long charade of objectivity and journalistic integrity in favor of outright propaganda.

That was proven once again during Senator Vance’s recent interview with NBC News’ Kristen Welker.

When the conversation turned to the ongoing Biden-Harris illegal immigration crisis, and Vance pegged the total number of illegal aliens currently in the U.S. at 25 million or more – an estimate many believe to be far more accurate than others – Welker got combative, insisting that the Biden Department of Homeland Security’s far lower estimates are more accurate even though such government-controlled statistics have often proven to be manipulated.

But as he’s done repeatedly in media interviews since Trump made him his running mate, Senator Vance expertly navigated the self-proclaimed “journalist’s” defense of the Democrat narrative, pointing out that no matter how many millions it actually is, it’s far too many and Kamala carries as much responsibility for it as anyone.

“I think there are reasons to think that DHS is underestimating,” Vance countered. “Whatever the real number is, it’s way too high, right? It’s millions upon millions of illegal immigrants that have come in just since Kamala Harris became the border czar a few years ago.”

“The first thing –” he continued before Welker rudely cut him off again to push Democrats’ propaganda narrative around Kamala’s role as Border Czar.

“She was put in charge of the root causes of migration,” Welker claimed, as if that distinction in any way vindicates Kamala from her failure as Border Czar. “Go ahead.”

J.D. Vance gives NBC’s Kristen Welker an education on Kamala Harris’ border crisis “root causes”

Vance was undeterred though.

And without missing a beat, he immediately flipped Welker’s narrative on its head by pointing out that the real “root cause” of the illegal immigration crisis is Kamala’s failure to do her job as Border Czar.

“Well, the root causes of migration, I would say, Kristen, is that Kamala Harris refuses to do her job as border czar,” Vance shot back. “And let’s just start there. I want to answer your question, but I think it’s important to sort of sequence this the right way. So if you want to get control of the illegal immigration problem, you have to stop the bleeding.”

“You have to stop so many people from coming here illegally in the first place. And that means undoing everything that Kamala Harris did, practically on day one of the administration,” he added, noting the more than 90 executive orders the Biden-Harris regime enacted immediately upon taking office to fully open America’s borders to a flood of illegal aliens. “You have to reimpose deportations, you have to stop catch and release, stop granting asylum to every single person who comes in here and says that they need asylum, and stop granting mass parole.”

From there, the Republican Vice Presidential nominee proceeded to make the case that the illegal immigration crisis is a crisis of the Biden-Harris’ regime’s own making.

“[The Biden-Harris regime’s] policies are why we have the immigration crisis that we have,” Vance said. “So I think focus on fixing the problem. Before we even fix the problem we have to stop the problem from getting worse.”

While many ruling class RINOs have tried to claim that Donald Trump didn’t pick the best running mate he could, J.D. Vance continues to prove them wrong.