Kamala Harris sent staff panicking to cut her microphone after she went off script and humiliatingly exposed her huge weakness

Her staffers have quit on Harris previously for ignoring their scripted messages and making off-the-cuff remarks like this.

The United States Senate - Office of Senator Kamala Harris, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Vice President Kamala Harris is most known for her awkward speeches, word salads and weirdly endless and unwarranted cackles.

Just because she was recruited by Democrat insiders to lead the ticket after ousting President Joe Biden, it does not mean she can all of a sudden speak skillfully and publicly.

And Kamala Harris sent staff panicking to cut her microphone after she went off script and humiliatingly exposed her huge weakness.

Kamala Harris chomps into a nonsensical word salad at Pennsylvania event

Vice President Kamala Harris did not waste time to return to her norm – tripping over words during a weird off-script monologue – during a recent campaign event in Pennsylvania.

The event, which took place in Rochester, PA, was led by Kamala Harris alongside her newly selected running mate, Democrat Governor of Minnesota Tim Walz.

The Democrat candidates were about to take off for Chicago for the Democrat National Convention where they made a quick stop in the crucial swing state.

During this event, Kamala broke away from the teleprompter in order to share her thoughts on her newly invented talking point – the “duality of democracy.”

“Our election is about understanding the importance of this beautiful country of ours in terms of what we stand for around the globe as a democracy,” started Kamala.

“As a democracy, we know there’s a duality to the nature of democracy,” she added. “On the one hand, incredible strength when it is intact. What it does for its people, to protect and defend their rights. Incredibly strong. And incredibly fragile,” the Vice President rambled.

Then Kamala pitched, “It is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it. And that’s what this campaign is about.”

Almost immediately, the clip of Kamala’s weird talking point created a feeding frenzy on social media as it went viral online.

Political analysts and critics have, for years, slammed Kamala over confusing attempts to deliver nonsensical word salads.

And now she had given easy ammunition to Republicans to point out to voters how helpless Kamala Harris is when someone isn’t feeding her every word to say, or when the teleprompter is off.

Popular radio host Buck Sexton even took to X where he posted, “Kamala is uniquely awful. She’s not smart, charming, or talented.”

“The more voters hear her voice, the less they’ll want to support her. All downhill from here. Keep the faith,” he continued.

Megaviral clip delivers nonstop hits

Just about every slam and hit on social media poking fun at Kamala Harris included the clip of weird rambling.

One of the most popular posts came from conservative commentator Carmine Sabia who inquired, “Is this a Harris and Walz rally or a 10-year-old’s birthday party?”

“No free concert and she draws dozens of fans,” he laughingly added.

But the more the clip went viral, commenters began to point out that her “duality of democracy” trope was not a new, untested attempt to appear philosophical.

Apparently in October of 2022, Harris delivered a similar rambling.

She told a crowd, “I think of democracy as… there are like two sides to it. There’s a duality to it…,”

“When a democracy is intact, it is extraordinarily strong in the power it gives people. The duality is that on the other hand, it is extremely fragile this democracy, it is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it,” she added.

“What gives me hope is I know we are prepared to fight for it,” she confusingly concluded.

This was followed by another attempt earlier in the campaign where she weirdly rambled to voters about how, “when it’s intact… OH, it’s so strong!”

Video journalist Nick Sortor jumped into the frenzy to argue, “THIS is why Comrade Kamala isn’t allowed to speak off script. Holy crap. Anybody know what the HELL she’s talking about here??!”

He would later add to his comments in another post asking, “This is the best the democrats could get?!”