Mike Pence launched an attack on Donald Trump and immediately regretted ignoring this one hard rule

Pence is in for a brutal surprise if this is how he hopes to resurrect his stained legacy.

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The ruling class elites’ reaction to everything Donald Trump and his administration have done over their first month in office looks like a toddler-like tantrum.

They’re starting to realize that the games they’ve played with the American peoples’ lives and money are finally coming to a screeching halt one way or the other.

And now Mike Pence has launched a disgraceful attack on Donald Trump by ignoring this one hard rule.

Deal or no deal?

Since the end of World War II, the United States government’s foreign policy agenda has been a complete and utter disaster.

Politicians and unelected bureaucrats have unilaterally involved America in literally hundreds of conflicts around the world, and what do we have to show for it?

Over $36 trillion in debt, hundreds of thousands of American soldiers killed in foreign conflicts, millions of dead foreign civilians, a crumbling homeland, the near-extinction of supposed “shared western values” across Europe and other “allied nations,” and so much more.

And none of that even touches on the fact that radical Islamic terrorists, and rogue nations like Iran and Communist China, are now stronger and more influential around the globe than ever before, all while American influence is depleting.

But despite it all, the very neocon elites who have pushed to continue their failed America Last foreign policy agenda are still beating the same war drums they’ve been beating for decades now.

Case in point, with President Donald Trump working to fulfill his campaign promise of finally ending the neocon elites’ years-long proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, America’s wannabe tough guys, like former Vice President Mike Pence, are coming out of the woodwork to make one last attempt at prolonging the already failed conflict. 

You see, during a recent interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier, President Trump gave an honest assessment of his proposed peace deal between Ukraine and Russia, noting that – as is in the case in any negotiation – all sides won’t get everything they want.

Of course, that reality could very well include Ukraine giving up the hope of reestablishing control over relatively small pieces of territory already controlled by Russia, such as Crimea, which obviously was invaded and taken by Russia in 2014 without then-President Barack Obama ever lifting as much as a finger – much less pretending it was the single greatest threat the world has ever faced.

“[Ukraine] may make a deal, they may not make a deal,” Trump explained. “They may be Russian someday, or they may not be Russian someday.”

Neocon elites continue to put America last

And like clockwork, the neocons instantly lost their minds by regurgitating almost identical talking points across every media outlet imaginable.

For his part, Pence took to X to attack Trump for trying to bring an end to the disastrous conflict, claiming that the only answer was the indefinite involvement of U.S. military force – not to mention an endless stream of your tax dollars – in Ukraine, just as neocons such as himself claimed in regards to their previous failures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Vietnam, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, and many more.

“Mr. President, Ukraine will only ‘be Russian someday’ if the United States abandons them to Putin’s brutal invasion,” Pence claimed. “As you just said, ‘When America is Strong the World is at Peace.’ Stand Firm. If Ukraine falls, it will only be a matter of time until Russia invades a NATO ally our troops will be required to defend.”

Trump Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth reiterated President Trump’s position on the matter in a recent announcement outlining the broad terms of a potential peace deal, including Ukraine’s acceptance that a return to their pre-2014 borders – that is, a return of the Crimea region taken by Russia under Obama’s watch – is not possible, that it would never join NATO, and that U.S. troops wouldn’t be deployed to Ukraine.

These are basic measures designed to avoid the escalating nuclear tensions between Russia and the U.S., as it is clear that Russia makes a compelling case that its interest in such agreements is likened to America’s interest in expelling Russia from Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Yet, notorious neocon John Bolton claimed on CNN that Trump’s efforts to broker peace were somehow him surrendering to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“I think we know exactly what’s gonna happen,” Bolton told host Kaitlan Collins. “President Trump has effectively surrendered to Putin before the negotiations have even begun. The positions that Defense Secretary Hegseth announced in Brussels – which I’m sure I’d be stunned if Trump didn’t convey them directly to Putin in their phone call – constitute terms of a settlement that could’ve been written in the Kremlin. Maybe they were written in the Kremlin and got out in propaganda channels. But it’s a complete reversal of the U.S. And NATO position on a number of issues.”

It has never been more clear who in Washington, D.C. is focused on delivering actual, tangible results for the American people – not to mention the world at-large – and who is solely focused on maintaining the failed status quo that has enriched them for decades.

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