Millions of Americans burst out in laughter when these CNBC hosts humiliated Kamala Harris on live TV

Kamala Harris ran away and sent out a surrogate no one had ever heard of to answer this tough question.

The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Kamala Harris is attempting to win the Presidential election on the “vibes” the media manufactures around her campaign rather than competence, track record, policies, and the like.

She wants to appear as though she’s everything to everyone but is having a bit of a hard time keeping her left-wing extremist impulses under wraps.

And now Millions of Americans burst out in laughter when these CNBC hosts humiliated Kamala Harris on live TV.

Kamala’s plan to bankrupt working class Americans

When Vice President Kamala Harris recently unveiled the “economic agenda” she’d pursue if elected President, she included a blatantly illegal scheme to tax unrealized income on capital gains.

Under such a scheme, Americans who own stocks or any other investments as a part of their retirement plans would have to pay more in taxes if those investments go up in value – even if they don’t actually sell them and generate any income from them.

Democrats have contended that the tax is perfectly legal under the 16th Amendment – which itself violated the original intention of the Constitution – as it allows for taxes on “incomes, from whatever source derived.”

But of course, unrealized gains – aka a mere increase in the value of a stock or investment – aren’t actually income since the investment isn’t being sold and no money is changing hands.

After all, the same flawed interruption of the 16th Amendment could open the door for Democrats to begin taxing increases in the value of your home, which for most older Americans would mean paying a hefty tax bill considering the massive increase in value of their homes over the past few decades, even if you don’t sell it.

Quite frankly, a tax on unrealized gains is a completely indefensible position for anyone who isn’t interested in bankrupting American citizens.

Nevertheless, Kamala’s economic advisor, Bharat Rhama, recently went on CNBC’s Squawk Box to defend the Democrat Presidential nominee’s indefensible policy proposal.

During the interview, Rhama attempted to defend Kamala’s proposal by making the ridiculous claim that unrealized gains taxes already exist in the form of property taxes.

“I think that this reaction to unrealized gains is a little funny, given that I bet that the majority of people watching right now are already paying a tax on unrealized gains,” Rhama claimed. “It’s called a property tax.”

CNBC’s Betty Quick wasn’t having that, though, and corrected the record by pointing out that the property tax is a use tax used specifically to fund infrastructure and local schools.

This is why Kamala Harris is hiding from tough interviews

But Rhama just continued repeating the Kamala campaign’s talking points.

“Well, look, you’re arguing that this is some sort of foreign concept that’s completely unknown,” Rhama said.

That’s when CNBC’s Joe Kernen had enough, and began to roll his eyes and openly laugh at the delusion coming from Rhama and the Kamala campaign.

“It’s probably unconstitutional. It’s probably unconstitutional. And it was never in anyone’s intent to – ” Kernen began.

“It’s not income. It’s not an income tax,” Quick interjected.

“And it’s never going to happen, probably. Not well, I’m not going to say my lifetime,” Kernen added.

Of course, Kamala’s unrealized gains tax proposal isn’t the first of her economic policies to be openly mocked by the media despite the industry’s overwhelming left-wing bias.

Both The Washington Post and CNN openly ridiculed Kamala’s “price gouging ban” as nothing more than the same price control schemes that have wreaked havoc on communist nations, like the Soviet Union, Argentina, and Venezuela, throughout history.

While her handlers are undoubtedly keeping her hidden from the media because she’s proven to be a wholly unlikeable individual – she was the least popular Vice President in modern history for a reason – they’re also keeping her hidden to avoid her being humiliated while trying to defend her own policy proposals.

And the utterly embarrassment Kamala’s advisor suffered while trying to defend her unrealized gains tax proposal proves it.

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.