One big sexual harassment scandal just put Jill Biden on the hot seat of public scrutiny

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First Lady Jill Biden remains Joe Biden’s most influential advisor and confidante.

By most accounts, Jill Biden is the main force behind convincing Joe Biden to run for re-election despite his clear mental troubles.

Jill Biden’s “work husband” now facing allegations of workplace misconduct  

Top Biden aide Anthony Bernal is often referred to by D.C. insiders and the corporate media as Jill Biden’s “work husband.”

But now, according to a New York Post investigation, Bernal is facing allegations of a long list of inappropriate workplace behavior.

The allegations include lewd and inappropriate comments to colleagues both before and during his time in the Biden White House that could meet the definition of sexual harassment.

“Two sources said that Bernal, 50, shared with them a theory that the size of a person’s thumb corresponds to that of their genitalia — making the hypothesis both at the White House and in prior roles during President Biden’s campaign and vice presidency under Barack Obama,” the Post’s Steven Nelson reported.

“It is to make people uncomfortable and to have power over them,” one source told Nelson.

“It is Me Too — classic Me Too,” the source stated.

Nelson also reported that Bernal’s colleagues overheard him make repeated crude references about the genitalia of co-workers and even Secret Service Agents.

“A second source recounted hearing Bernal speculate ‘often’ inside the White House about the endowments of both fellow political aides and even Secret Service agents,” Nelson wrote.

“A third source recalled a disparaging ‘jab’ during a workplace disagreement in which Bernal said that a colleague had a small penis, as well as a separate encounter in which the top aide ‘remarked on another staffer’s bulge in his khakis,’” Nelson also reported.

Bernal’s coworkers reported that the crude comments made them feel uncomfortable.

“It was a lot of inappropriate remarks — talking about other people’s attractiveness and speculating about their sex lives at very weird moments,” another source told Nelson also adding, “that’s actually sexual harassment.”

Joe Biden’s huge White House hypocrisy 

Joe and Jill Biden like to try and present themselves as “champions of the homosexual agenda.”

But some White House aides say it’s all a front given the type of conduct they condone in the White House workplace.

“I have heard him say inappropriate things about people’s sexuality or pry inappropriately into people’s personal lives,” a homosexual who is a former co-worker with Bernal told Nelson.

“I heard him ask if people are gay all the time,” the source added.

Former White House aides also have pointed out that Joe and Jill Biden often hire bullies and that their media image as empathetic grandfather and grandmotherly figures, looking out for their staff is pure fantasy.

“They talk a big game about integrity, decency, and kindness but when you work for the Bidens you experience anything but that,” a former White House adviser told Nelson.

“They choose to surround themselves with bullies who run around the White House like mean girls, making the president and first lady look like phonies to everyone in Washington because everyone on the inside talks about what happens there on the outside,” the former White House official concluded.

The problems for Joe Biden keep piling up, and now Jill is caught up in the mess as well.

Political Animal News will keep you up-to-date on any new developments in this ongoing story.