RFK, Jr. left Fox News hosts very uncomfortable with this revelation about killings

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. exposed who is responsible for putting bodies in the ground.

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. infuriated the left-wing establishment when he jumped in the 2024 race and upended everything.

Since endorsing Donald Trump, he has thrown all caution to the wind and is exposing frightening details sure to put him in more danger.

And Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. left Fox News hosts very uncomfortable with this revelation about killings.

RFK food bomb: making America great again goes hand in glove with holding accountable the enemies of making it healthy again

Democrats and their media allies have spent the better part of the past two decades desperately attempting to discredit Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as a “conspiracy theorist” despite the fact that his family is the most well known and revered Democrat family in American history.

When he decided to challenge President Joe Biden in the 2024 Democrat Presidential Primary, the Democrat machine rigged the Party’s primary rules against him while their media allies initiated one of the biggest character assassination campaigns ever seen in the U.S.

They forced RFK to reevaluate everything he’s known about who the Democrat Party is and what they stand for.

And ultimately, RFK discovered that while he still holds many traditional liberal positions on various issues, when it comes to the biggest, most critical issues – such as ending Big Government censorship and surveillance of American citizens, unraveling the Military Industrial Complex and ending unnecessary wars of choice like in Ukraine, and putting a stop to the chronic disease epidemic that’s killing millions of Americans, namely children – he’s far more aligned with Trump and today’s Republican Party.

That’s why he recently endorsed Trump’s campaign, and why the former President has already named Kennedy as someone who will be part of his next administration, should he win in November, putting RFK in charge of helping end the chronic disease epidemic and Make America Healthy Again.

And during a recent interview with Fox & Friends, Kennedy explained exactly how ultra processed food shoved down Americans’ gullets by Big Food are “poisoning” the population.

One of the biggest kept secrets in America is the fact that 77% of young American adults today are no longer fit to serve in the military due to obesity and the chronic diseases it causes.

The ruling class and their “health expert” allies will tell you that it’s merely a product of genetics even though less than 10% of all adults in the country were obese during the 1950s.

And Kennedy dropped the gloves, pointing fingers directly at seed oils and other culprits behind the epidemic that’s robbing not only Americans’ vitality but also picking their pockets from start to finish.

“Seed oils are one of the most unhealthy ingredients that we have in foods. And seed oils, the reason they’re in the foods is because they’re heavily subsidized. They’re very, very cheap, but they are associated with all kinds of very, very serious illnesses, including body-wide inflammation, which affects all of our health. It’s one of the worst things you can eat, and it’s almost impossible to avoid. If you eat any processed food, you’re going to be eating seed oil.”

Seed oils, like canola and olive oils, were originally invented and used as engine lubricants.

It’s “all poison” RFK, Jr. claims

But as RFK noted, because government subsidizes seed oils with your tax dollars, Big Food companies – which were largely taken over by cigarette companies like Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds after government banned those companies from advertising their products – have forced them on Americans despite the known adverse effects to their health.

Fox & Friends’ Rachel Campos-Duffy asked the Kennedy family scion, “Why would the government want to subsidize something that’s going to make people sick, and then in the end, we all end up paying for that in terms of health care costs, which are skyrocketing?”

As Kennedy explained, Big Food is able to get away with poisoning American citizens because of corrupt government agencies, like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which receives the overwhelming majority of their funding directly from Big Food and Big Pharma companies, who profit when Americans are sick.

“That is a direct result of corruption,” Kennedy explained. “About 75% of FDA’s budget comes from regulated industry, and that means food processors and pharmaceutical industry, all of them profit from a sick population.”

Campos-Duffy then pointed to one of the most popular food items on many American families’ grocery lists – breakfast cereal – and asked why the food coloring in those products were detrimental to Americans’ health.

“You see your yellow food coloring,” Kennedy said of one of the more popular food colorings in ultra processed foods like cereal. “That is a petroleum product. It’s associated with depression. It’s associated with autoimmune injuries and ADHD. These — and red dye, also — is, you know, very bad.”

RFK went on to note that there are now nearly 1,000 chemicals put into Americans food by Big Food companies that are either outright banned or actively discouraged in most every other first-world nation on Earth – hence the reason Americans are far more unhealthy than citizens of other countries.

“In Europe, the same companies are producing the same products, but they’re using natural coloring,” Kennedy pointed out. “But here, they can get away with it. We have about almost 1,000 chemicals that are in our food that are either outright banned in Europe or actively discouraged. So you wouldn’t be able to buy this kind of stuff in Europe. You ask about why it’s so cheap, why it’s so ubiquitous. It’s because we subsidize the worst foods. We subsidize it with – about 70% of our food stamp program is to process foods, which are all poison.”

RFK suggests they’re actively lying to you

To make matters even worse, even products that claim to use “natural flavors” are a total scam as the corrupt alliance between Big Food companies and government agencies, like the FDA and USDA, have allowed them to actively changed the definition of the term to include harmful chemicals to fool Americans who are looking to get away from the poison.

“One of the things that’s interesting is you’ll see on labels ‘natural flavors,’ which is this catch-all phrase that I guess was lobbied for, but the ingredients in ‘natural flavors’ are not really natural,” Campos-Duffy noted.

“No,” Kennedy responded. “In our country, ‘natural flavors’ are chemical products. So you can’t trust what’s on the ingredient label. And the reason for that, again, is government corruption. It’s that the agency, the USDA, the FDA, have been captured by the industries they’re supposed to regulate, and they all have an interest in subsidies and then in mass poisoning the American public.”

And none of that even touches on the harmful impact of pesticides used to grow supposedly “healthy food” that’s sold by every grocery store chain.

“I mean, the irony is like, for example, my wife loves kale, and she had the impression that kale is actually good for you,” Kennedy explained. “If it’s organic, it’s very good for you. But most kale and strawberries, for example, grapes, are contaminated with pesticides, and particularly the Environmental Working Group has found what they call the Dirty Dozen, some of the worst pesticides on these products.”

“So, you know, I look at a strawberry and I think, ‘Oh, this is a healthy food,’ but in most cases, unless it’s organic, certified organic, you are getting something that’s actually hurting you,” he added.

But fortunately, with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. teaming up with Donald Trump, Americans have hope that there is still a chance to Make America Healthy Again.