Speaker Mike Johnson just stabbed Donald Trump in the back

Mike Johnson may have just paid off the Democrats who made him speaker with this ultimate betrayal of Donald Trump.

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

House Speaker Mike Johnson somehow got the nickname “MAGA Mike” early in his tenure.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

And it looks like House Speaker Mike Johnson just stabbed Donald Trump in the back.

The Biden-Harris administration threatened a government shutdown for an infuriating reason

Every time there is a government shutdown or potential for one the Left blames Republicans.

Democrats never compromise on anything, but somehow the media always blames conservatives for not caving to the Left’s every demand to keep the government running.

Democrats claim that voter fraud isn’t a problem, while fighting tooth and nail against any type of election security.

They claim even something as basic as requiring an ID to vote is unnecessary and somehow racist.

Conservatives pushed House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) to include the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act in a continuing resolution (CR)meant to avoid a government shutdown.

The SAVE Act aims to prevent illegal aliens and other non-citizens from voting in the upcoming election.

The Biden-Harris administration has claimed that the legislation is unneeded, and that there isn’t an issue with non-citizens casting ballots.

“It is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in Federal elections—it is a Federal crime punishable by prison and fines. This behavior is wrong and the law clearly prohibits it,” the Biden-Harris government claims in a statement addressing the funding bill.

They continue: “In addition, making a false claim of citizenship or unlawfully voting in an election is punishable by removal from the United States and a permanent bar to admission.”

The White House statement used the term of art “unlawfully voting” for a reason.

Under federal law, it’s unlawful to knowingly cast an illegal vote as a noncitizen — but it’s arguably legal for a non citizen to inadvertently do so.

In other words if an illegal alien claims they thought they were allowed to vote, then they could escape penalties.

Nevertheless, the Biden-Harris White House statement went on.

“States already have effective safeguards in place to verify voters’ eligibility and maintain the accuracy of voter rolls,” the statement continued.

Of course the reality is, Blue states, and even some red states, have a major issue with ineligible voters on their voter rolls.

Many of these states give drivers’ licenses to illegal aliens, and automatically register people to vote when they go to the DMV.

According to the National Pulse, the Biden-Harris Justice Department admitted that they currently have an illegal alien in custody who voted in multiple elections while assuming the identity of US citizens.

House Speaker Mike Johnson canceled a Wednesday vote and what happened next has conservatives furious

And now it appears Mike Johnson is trying to stab Donald Trump and American voters in the back on the SAVE Act.

After canceling a vote on Wednesday, the rumor mills on Capitol Hill are hot with new allegations that Johnson is telling Senate Republicans to strip the SAVE Act provisions from the Government funding CR if the bill passes the House with the provisions.

Breitbart News reported exclusively on Thursday:

House Speaker Mike Johnson told Senate Republicans to strip the SAVE Act from the government funding legislation once the House passes the bill, senior aides from two different GOP U.S. Senate offices who support the SAVE Act being part of government funding efforts told Breitbart News on Thursday.

A Johnson spokesman, Taylor Haulsee, denied the allegations in an email to Breitbart, saying the accusation is “unequivocally, 100% false.”

But according to aides in two different GOP offices, who confirmed the rumors to Breitbart, that is what happened.

Survey data has shown that a significant amount of noncitizens have been voting in US elections.

A Rasmussen Reports poll of likely voters showed 97% of the sample voted in the 2020 Presidential election, and 10% of those polls admitted to being noncitizens or unsure of their citizenship status.

Despite the clear evidence that this is a problem, the Biden-Harris administration has played hardball to prevent any reforms from being enacted ahead of the election.

The White House threatened to veto the House’s continuing resolution if it is passed containing the SAVE Act, which would cause a government shutdown.

If the rumors are true, it appears House Speaker Mike Johnson may have caved but is trying to save face by pinning the blame on Senators.

Democrats continue to insist that voter fraud is nonexistent, but seem to make it a priority to fight against even the most basic election security measures.

This just shows how desperate Democrats are.

Non-citizens who illegally cast ballots are three times more likely to vote for Democrats than for Republicans.

Kamala Harris knows shutting down illegal votes wouldn’t help her one bit.

It’d be no surprise she’d be willing to shut down the government to ensure the SAVE Act doesn’t pass.

And for many conservatives, it’d be no surprise if the GOP’s RINO leadership on Capitol Hill gave up their bargaining power and sold out American voters on the SAVE Act.

After all, Mike Johnson is only the House Speaker because Democrats in Congress voted to give him the gavel.