Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Supreme Court Justices’ jaws hit the floor when Fani Willis made this unfathomable demand

It’s past time for Fani Willis to read the writing on the wall but instead she’s making these wild demands from Supreme Court Justices.

Despite the results of the 2024 election, Democrats are still hell-bent on moving forward with their lawfare strategy to imprison Donald Trump.

All they’re doing is digging themselves into a deeper hole.

And Supreme Court Justices’ jaws hit the floor when Fani Willis made this unfathomable demand.

No limit to Democrats’ bloodlust for Trump

Fulton County Democrat District Attorney Fani Willis just doesn’t know when to throw in the towel and admit defeat.

Willis was previously disqualified and removed from the witch hunt case she brought against President Donald Trump by the Georgia Court of Appeals in an embarrassing fashion.

In its majority opinion, the state Supreme Court ruled that Willis’ corrupt affair with former special prosecutor Nathan Wade – whom she hired and paid significantly more taxpayer dollars than others in similar positions despite the fact that he had never even tried any case in which the charges rose above the level of simple misdemeanor offenses – while they worked together on their Trump witch hunt created an appearance of impropriety that couldn’t be overcome, despite Willis’ previous attempt to simply remove Wade from the case in order to sweep it all under the rug.

Nevertheless, Willis is plowing ahead with a motion for an appeal in which she is now demanding to be reinstated as the lead prosecutor in her Trump witch hunt.

Hilariously, the Democrat DA is arguing that her removal from the case is somehow an attack on the criminal justice system itself.

“The majority opinion ignored precedent, created uncertainty that is likely to recur, implemented a hair-trigger standard disfavored under Georgia law, and replaced the trial court’s discretion with its own,” Willis claimed in her motion for appeal.

“The State submits that review is necessary to reverse the majority opinion and clarify the standard for disqualification,” she added.

Telling on herself

Furthermore, the disgraced Democrat made a total fool out of herself by suggesting that the court’s ruling was “based solely upon an appearance of impropriety and absent a finding of an actual conflict of interest or forensic misconduct,” even though bank records indicated that Wade used much of the nearly three-quarters of a million taxpayer dollars Willis funneled to him as a way of facilitating an extravagant lifestyle for the couple.

She even went so far as to claim that her case was somehow an unprecedented injustice.

“No Georgia court has ever disqualified a district attorney for the mere appearance of impropriety without the existence of an actual conflict of interest,” Willis whined.

“And no Georgia court has ever reversed a trial court’s order declining to disqualify a prosecutor based solely on an appearance of impropriety,” she continued.

For good measure, Willis also chose to argue that her affair and alleged corruption “had not actually affected the case in any way” – as if arguing that an elected prosecutor committing serious ethical violations and potential crimes was totally fine so long as it didn’t affect her witch hunt against Trump – while suggesting that her removal from the case “divest[ed] her of her constitutional authority to investigate and prosecute crimes.”

Basically, Willis believes that because she was elected – or more accurately, selected – as a Democrat in an overwhelmingly Democrat district, she somehow has the constitutional authority to do whatever she pleases.

But fortunately, despite Democrats’ best efforts over the past few decades, the Constitution and the rule of law still reign supreme in these United States.

Ruling class elites like Fani Willis can’t just run around making up new legal theories out of thin air and hiring their lovers as a way of funding their extravagant lifestyles.

And if they do, they’re in for a rude awakening under the new Trump administration.

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