Kamala Harris is breaking out into a full blown scramble after this one past promise just came back to haunt her

Kamala Harris has been working overtime to hide her positions from the public, leaving room for her past to be examined and ultimately questioned.

Photo by GPA Photo Archive, Public Domain via Flickr

Kamala Harris wants to make the 2024 election about vibes instead of policy for a reason.

This is why she has avoided taking any tough questions or engaging in public conversations.

But Kamala Harris is breaking out into a full blown scramble after this one past promise just came back to haunt her.

Kamala Harris gaslights America by claiming to be a staunch defender of the Second Amendment

During her debate with Donald Trump, and even during an interview with the National Association of Black Journalists, Kamala Harris claimed that she was actually a gun owner during her recent attempt to clear her past image of being a gun grabber.

During that interview, Kamala responded to a question about gun control, in which she responded by saying that she didn’t want to take anyone’s guns away, only AR-15 style rifles.

“I am a gun owner, and Tim Walz is a gun owner, and we’re not trying to take anyone’s guns away from them, but we do need an ‘assault weapons’ ban,” Kamala Harris confusingly declared.

Kamala’s past support for government confiscation of guns resurfaces

Kamala’s biggest challenge during this election is to convince the American people that she actually didn’t mean any of the things she said or promised during her campaign for President last cycle in 2020.

If people saw Kamala Harris for what she truly is – a far-from-mainstream liberal – she would lose the election.

But one of her most radical policy prescriptions from her 2020 campaign was her promise to confiscate firearms from American gun owners through a mandatory buyback program.

In July of 2019, Kamala promised to pursue her gun ban and confiscation plan by signing an executive order.

“Gun violence is the leading cause of death for young [b]lack men in America,” she began. “We must stop this.”

“When president, I will take executive action to ensure guns do not fall into the wrong hands,” Kamala explained to reporters.

In September of that same year, Kamala Harris went even more radical on the topic during her appearance on the Tonight Show where she endorsed her mandatory buyback scheme.

“I do believe that we need to do buybacks,” Harris said to host Jimmy Fallon. “A buyback program is a good idea.”

“Now we need to do it the right way. And part of that has to be, you know, buy back and give people their value, the financial value,” she added.

And later in October, during an MSNBC town hall event, Kamala doubled down, telling host Craig Melvin that she intended to force Americans to hand over the guns to the government.

“Well, there are approximately 5 million, to your point Craig. We have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory buyback program,” started Kamala.

“It’s got to be smart, we got to do it the right way, but there are 5 million at least some estimate as many as 10 million and we’re going to have to have smart public policy that’s about taking those off the streets,” she concluded.

But now, Kamala Harris is trying to pretend that she never said any of that, and is hoping that Americans won’t notice.